Viewing active projects

After you log in to HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub), you can view both active and archived projects in the Initial team space.

About this task

As a project owner, you can view your projects under the My Projects panel, and the projects that are created by other users as public projects are displayed under the Other Projects panel. You can view a list of all active projects that you created under My Projects. You can view a list of all archived projects under Archived Projects.


Log in to Test Hub.

The Projects page is displayed.

You can view the following projects:
  • The active projects that you created or added to as a member with either the Tester or Viewer role are displayed under the My Projects panel.
  • The active projects that are created by others as public projects are displayed under the Other Projects panel.


You have viewed the active projects that are created by you and other users in the team space.

What to do next

You can perform any of the following tasks: