Adding a remote Kubernetes cluster to a project

You must add a remote Kubernetes cluster to your project after you register the cluster with your team space on HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub).

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:


  1. Log in to Test Hub.

    The team space that contains your project is displayed.

  2. Open your project.
    The Overview page is displayed.
  3. Click Infrastructure > Agents and Intercepts in the navigation pane of the team space.

    The Agents and Intercepts page is displayed.

  4. Click Add > Add cluster.

    The Add cluster dialog is displayed.

  5. Select the cluster that you want to add to the project from the list of clusters that are registered with the team space, and then click Add.
    Note: You can add the clusters that are registered with the team space. You can add any number of clusters to your project.
    The clusters that you added to the project are displayed.
    You can view the details of the cluster by clicking the Expand icon Image of the expand icon..
    Image of the agents page showing the cluster details panel.
    The following table describes the details about the cluster:
    Name Description
    Address Specifies the address of the remote Kubernetes API.
    Namespace Specifies the namespace of the remote Kubernetes cluster in which the test runs occur.
    Nodes Specifies the number of nodes in the remote Kubernetes cluster.
    Version Specifies the Kubernetes version of the remote Kubernetes cluster.

What to do next

You can select any of the remote clusters as an alternate location to run the test assets or resources that are in your project while you configure a run from the Execution page.