Known issues

You can find the known issues that are identified, if any, in this version of HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub). You can also find the known issues identified in the earlier versions of Test Hub. DevOps Test Hub is the new name of HCL OneTest Server from 11.0.0 onwards.

Known issues in DevOps Test Hub 2024.06 (11.0.2)

The known issues identified in Test Hub 2024.06 (11.0.2) are as follows:



When you use Test Hub on the IBM® Red Hat OpenShift platform, you might get an error message, "Failed to create data definition" while creating a data definition and dataset. This error message gives an impression that the creation of these assets was unsuccessful.

However, this issue is linked to the API timeout in the OpenShift environment, which is set to 30 seconds. If the asset creation process surpasses this timeout, the system triggers the error. Despite the error message, the assets are created, and you can view them by refreshing the asset list page.

Known issues from earlier versions

The known issues identified in the earlier versions of Test Hub that are still applicable are as follows:

ID Description Identified in version Applicable in and until version


The test log for a JMeter test might be unavailable if the default trust store of the JVM is altered by the test.

To work around this problem, you must perform the following steps when you run each JMeter test:

  1. Select the JMeter test, and then click Execute.

    The Execute test asset dialog is displayed.

  2. Click Advanced.

  3. Enter CISTERNA_CONFIG_APPEND in the first column, and &trustStorePath=/opt/java/openjdk/lib/security/cacerts in the second column in the Additional Configuration Parameters field.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Click Execute.

    A message is displayed that confirms the initiation of the test execution.

11.0.1 11.0.1


You cannot run a Windows test on agent computers that are selected as the location to run the test when you execute the test in Test Hub 11.0.0.



The unified report is displayed incorrectly when you run a Compound Test that contains mobile tests to run on either the devices, emulators, or simulators that are connected to an agent computer or the devices that are connected to a mobile device cloud.

To enable the unified report to display correctly, you must provide the program argument -history testlog in the Advanced configuration when you configure a run of such Compound Tests.




HCL OneTest Server does not support the sorting of the test results on the Results page based on the person who started the test run when you click the Started by column header.



The data generation does not generate test data when JavasSript rules are used to create item types.

Also, the data generation feature does not validate the Regular expressions used to define item values in a schema.



You cannot perform a direct upgrade of HCL OneTest Server 10.5.3 from versions 10.5.1 or earlier.




The default configuration in Keycloak incorrectly assigns all users of HCL OneTest Server the privileges of a server administrator.




Members of a team space are able to view the details of a project when they enter the URL of a page in a project in spite of not being a member of that project.




HCL OneTest Server incorrectly creates duplicate records of the test runs in the integrated Xray-Jira project.




You cannot perform a direct upgrade of HCL OneTest Server 10.5.2 from versions 10.2.2 or earlier.




When programmatically starting a large number of test assets at once, users should be mindful of the capacity of the system, size of projects and adjust the rate accordingly.




Virtualization usage graphs at the team space or project level in HCL OneTest Server 10.5.2 are not displayed for virtual services that ran on an earlier version of the server.




When you run and complete a test by using the HCL OneTest Server UCD plugin, the UCD log displays the state of the test with a lag in real time. For example, the state is displayed as "In transition" when the test is in the "Running" state.



When you unregister a remote docker agent, running and schedule tests are not canceled.

To workaround this problem, stop any running tests and cancel any scheduled future executions for that agent before unregistering the remote docker agent.



When you perform bulk update of test assets by using the test authoring feature on HCL OneTest Server, you encounter timeout errors when you attempt to commit or publish the changed assets.

To work around this problem, you can commit or publish the assets in smaller batches.



You cannot migrate the data about the IBM Engineering Test Management that is configured as a quality management solution on HCL OneTest Server 10.5.0 to HCL OneTest Server 10.5.1.




When you created projects in HCL OneTest Server 10.5.0 or earlier by using LDAP/AD, but did not import the LDAP/AD users into the migrated projects in 10.5.1, and deleted the users in the project, the project cannot be opened or assigned to other users.



When you configure IBM® Engineering Test Management and Atlassian Jira on HCL OneTest Server 10.2.3, the information about Engineering Test Management and Jira is not visible after you migrate HCL OneTest Server from 10.2.3 to 10.5.0.

To work around this problem, you must enter the details of Engineering Test Management and Jira again on HCL OneTest Server 10.5.0.



When you run a schedule that has a custom code to write data into a dataset from a non-Edit branch of HCL OneTest Server, the Changes page does not list the updated dataset to publish the changes made to the dataset.

To work around this problem, you must run the schedule from an Edit branch.




When you run a compound test that contains an API test on HCL OneTest Server and the API test uses a dataset or a different API test is selected at the time of test configuration, the unified report for the compound test does not provide the correct or complete information about the API test.



When you create a schema, the screen reader incorrectly calls the 'Expand' action as 'Maximize' and 'Collapse' action as 'Minimize' in the 'Dictionary', 'Structure', and 'Properties' panels.




The icons for 'Item' type and 'Group' type objects in a schema fail to meet the AA and AAA contrast (between foreground and background) requirements.




You cannot migrate edited test assets that were created in earlier versions to HCL OneTest Server 10.5.




The generation of test data with a large number of records into an spreadsheet in the .xls format sometimes fails.




HCL® OneTest Data fails to generate data in the XSD format when you provide specific seed values.




The 'Root' element of a schema in Data Fabrication cannot be accessed through keyboard actions.




When you archive a project that has a running test, that test is not stopped. The test completes execution even though it was suppose to stop.



When you run a performance test that contains integration tests on HCL OneTest Server, the test log captures and displays all integration test steps under the first activity that was captured for the performance test.




There is a time delay for the changes that you make to your personal details provided at the time of signing up on HCL OneTest Server to be reflected in the UI.



The editing session for an API Suite is not launched when you attempt to edit the asset that was committed to remote repository with non-omitted spaces in its path.




While you install HCL OneTest Server on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), if the postgresql-init job does not run early, then the postgresql-init job remains in a Pending state due to insufficient CPU resources.

To work around this problem, you must delete the pods controlled by deployments that make the required resources temporarily available.




When you deploy HCL OneTest Server on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and if you do not set up the Domain Name Server (DNS) resolution of the client, then you cannot open a new editor session in HCL OneTest Server. The browser displays an error message that the IP address of the editor hosts is not found.

To work around this problem, you must map the hostname details of the editor that are displayed in the error message with the server IP address in the hosts file. You can locate the hosts file in the following location on Windows systems: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc




HCL OneTest Server supports any Git repository accessible over the HTTP or SSH protocols. When you add or reconfigure a repository that is associated with a project, HCL OneTest Server verifies the configuration by attempting to connect and issuing a request to the given URI of the repository. You must ensure that only trusted URIs are provided as part of the configuration.




The default configuration of the HCL OneTest Server provides access to requests that are coming from any domain. The request can be integrated into other web servers, and exposes HCL OneTest Server to Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) attacks.

To work around this problem, you must overwrite the configuration properties value during the installation of the HCL OneTest Server to restrict CORS to a specific allowlist by adding the following helm argument:--set-string 'gateway.extraEnv.JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Dgateway.cors.allowed-origin-patterns=*,*'Where and are the domains that you want to provide access to CORS.
Note: You can provide multiple domain names separated by comma (,).




You cannot deploy HCL OneTest Server 10.2.1 on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) if you have installed the latest version of the NGINX Ingress Controller.

To work around this problem, you must install the NGINX Ingress Controller by using the helm chart 3.26.0.




If you edited test assets in your project on HCL OneTest Server 10.2 and then migrated to HCL OneTest Server 10.2.1. After migration if there were changes added to the remote repository related to the edited test assets then the values displayed in the Last Changed By field might be incorrect.




If you update the name of the project in Jira that you used to configure on HCL OneTest Server, you cannot configure the updated project name in the CHANGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM tab of HCL OneTest Server.




If you update or delete a Project area that you used to configure Engineering Test Management on HCL OneTest Server, then you cannot perform the following tasks:
  • Delete your project from HCL OneTest Server.
  • Delete the configured Engineering Test Management from the HCL OneTest Server project.




The Engineering Test Management displays the status as Connected on HCL OneTest Server even when Engineering Test Management is unavailable for any reason.



In the Azure environment, when you generate the test data for a schema with a regular expression property set for an item type, then the job to generate the test data fails.

To work around this problem, you must use a sample file that contains values for the restriction instead of setting the regular expression property for any item type.




When you restart the pods, the dataset service might fail to restart due to a lock on the dataset tables.

To work around this problem, you must run the following commands before you restart the Kubernetes cluster:
  1. Run the following command to get the password for the dataset service:

    kubectl get secret (my-server}-datasets -o yaml -n {namespace}

  2. Run the following command to remove the lock from the dataset table:

    kubectl exec (my-server}-postgresql-0 -n {namespace} -i – sh -c 'PGPASSWORD=<password> psql -U datasets -d datasets -c "DROP TABLE databasechangeloglock"'

  3. Run the following command to restart the Kubernetes cluster:
    sudo systemctl start k3s
    Note: You must substitute the following variables with the actual value in the commands:
    • {my-server} with the release name of the server that you provided during the installation of the server software.
    • {namespace}with the name of the namespace that you created during the installation of Test Hub.
    • <password> with the value that you obtained from Step 1.




TLS1.1 and TLS1 are not supported on HCL OneTest Server. When you try to run those test assets, the test run fails with an error message about an unsupported security algorithm.




After you upgrade HCL OneTest Server from V10.1.2 to V10.1.3, then you might fail to generate test data.

To work around this problem, you must perform the following steps:
  1. Get the persistence volume claims (pvc) with namespace: kubectl get pvc -n <my-ots>
  2. Describe the pvc to get the path of the volume: kubectl describe pv <volume>
  3. Provide access permissions to the volume claim: sudo chmod 777 -R <path>
  4. Change the ownership of the HIP volume: sudo chown -R root:root <path>
  5. Describe the pvc to get the path of the volume: kubectl describe pv <volume number>
  6. Provide access permissions to the volume claim: sudo chmod 777 -R <path>
  7. Change the ownership of the data app volume: sudo chown -R root:root <path>
  8. Run the following command: kubectl get pods -n <test-system>
  9. Restart the pods by using the following command: kubectl delete pods <my-ots-hip-rest> my-ots-data-app-0 my-ots-hip-server-redis-master-0 my-ots-hip-server-0 -n <test-system>
  10. Run the following commands to view the pods:

    kubectl get pods -n <test-system>

    watch kubectl get pods -n <test-system>




Before you migrate user data from an earlier version to the latest version, you must publish any created datasets to the Git repository. After the migration, when you try to publish a created dataset it might fail. If it does fail, your only option is to recreate the dataset from scratch.




When you upgrade HCL OneTest Server from V10.1.1 to V10.1.3, then you might observe issues in the generation of test data on the migrated projects.

To work around this problem, you must export all your HCL® OneTest Data projects from V10.1.1 to your computer, and then import the projects to V10.1.3.




After you import any JSON schema into the HCL® OneTest Data project, and if you modify the basic properties of the item types, then you might face issues to generate test data.




When you install HCL OneTest Server on Lightweight Kubernetes (k3s) and warnings about Ingress deprecation are displayed, you can ignore these warnings.




When you attempt to run an API Suite on HCL OneTest Server that is installed on OpenShift, and when the API project contains a vast set of resources, you might see that the Execute button in the Execute test asset dialog box is enabled after a delay or at times is not enabled at all.




When you expand a dataset from the Datasets page, you cannot navigate to all the cells in the dataset by using the keyboard keys.




When you have HCL OneTest Server on Ubuntu and you run performance test assets such as VU schedule or Rate schedule on a static agent, then the test runs fail with an error message.

To work around this problem, you must add the following parameter to the helm install command during the installation of HCL OneTest Server:

--set networkPolicy.enabled=false

If you have already installed HCL OneTest Server, you can modify the helm parameter value by using the following commands:

helm upgrade {{main}} ./ ibm-rtas-prod -n test-system \

--reuse-values --set networkPolicy.enabled=false

Where {{main}} is the name of the release that you provided during the installation of HCL OneTest Server.




When the server is under high load, the results microservice might be restarted indefinitely. This happens when the server was killed while holding a database lock.

To work around the problem, perform the following steps:
Note: In the following commands, <myrtas> refers to the release name of your choice and <namespace> refers to the name of the namespace that you created during the server installation process.
  1. Increase the value of failureThreshold in the following command to start the service: kubectl patch sts -n <namespace> <myrtas>-results --patch '{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"containers": {"name": "results","startupProbe":{"failureThreshold":120}}}}'}}
  2. Get the database password by running the following command: kubectl get secret -n <namespace> <myrtas>-results -o jsonpath="{.data.postgresql-password}" | base64 --decode
  3. Delete the troublesome database lock by running the following commands: kubectl exec -n <namespace> <myrtas>-results-postgresql-0 -i – sh -c 'PGPASSWORD=<PASSWORD> psql -U results -d results -c "DROP TABLE DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK"'kubectl exec -n <namespace> <myrtas>-results-postgresql-0 -i – sh -c 'PGPASSWORD=<PASSWORD> psql -U results -d analytics -c "DROP TABLE DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK"'kubectl exec -n <namespace> <myrtas>-results-postgresql-0 -i – sh -c 'PGPASSWORD=<PASSWORD> psql -U results -d upload -c "DROP TABLE DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK"'
  4. Restart the pod by running the following command: kubectl delete pod -n <namespace> <myrtas>-results-0




When you attempt to run an API Suite on HCL OneTest Server that is installed on OpenShift, and when the API project contains a vast set of resources, you might see that the Execute button in the Execute test asset dialog box is enabled after a delay.




After you install the product, if pods restart with the following log message:
ACCESS_REFUSED - Login was refused using the authentication mechanism PLAIN

For details see the broker logfile. You must uninstall the product, delete the pvc data-{{main}}-rabbitmq-0, and then install the product.




Stubs are a tech-preview feature, as such some functionality might not work in all environments.




When you install V10.1.2 of the product, you must decrypt and encrypt each dataset by using the CSV Editor to apply the strongest encryption on each dataset that you used in the earlier version of the product.




If a dataset is created on the server using a path within an integration tester project and the created CSV file is subsequently referenced in a file data source, then the server presents two datasets relating to the same CSV file.




When you install HCL OneTest Server V10.1.1 on an OpenShift platform where OpenShift Container Storage (OCS) is not available (For example, the IBM Cloud) then test asset runs fail. This is because the default storage class does not support ReadWriteMany (RWX).

To work around this problem, you must specify the following helm parameter during the server install:
--set execution.userlibs.persistence.storageClass=ibmc-file-bronze 




When you run the script to set up the Kubernetes environment and if the snap command is unavailable, then the command-line interface incorrectly displays the following error message for snapd: ./ line 232: ehco: command not found The intended message is: Error: snapd is not installed

Please ensure that snapd and snap are installed correctly, for example: sudo apt-get install snapd



When you back up user data of V10.1.0 and restore it on V10.1.1 in the Ubuntu environment, one of the pods does not start. This problem occurs occasionally.

For example, if the result pod does not start, to work around this problem, perform the following steps:
Note: In the following commands, <myrtas> refers to the release name of your choice and <namespace> refers to the name of the namespace that you created during the server installation process.
  1. Increase the value of initialDelaySeconds in the following command to start the service:

    kubectl patch sts -n <namespace> <myrtas>-results --patch '{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"containers": [{"name": "results","readinessProbe":{"initialDelaySeconds":180}}]}}}}'

  2. Get the database password by running the following command:

    kubectl get secret -n <namespace> <myrtas>-results -o jsonpath="{.data.postgresql-password}" | base64 --decode

  3. Delete the troublesome database lock by running the following command:

    kubectl exec -n <namespace> <myrtas>-results-postgresql-0 -i -- sh -c 'PGPASSWORD=<password> psql -U results -d results -c "DROP TABLE DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK"'

  4. Restart the pod by running the following command:

    kubectl delete pod -n <namespace> <myrtas>-results-0



You cannot run tests on the remote static agents connected to HCL OneTest Server that is installed in an OpenShift environment.




During the installation, when you migrate user data from the previous version to V10.1.0, the datasets database does not restore properly. As a result, Data classification information disappears from HCL OneTest Server.

You must classify the encrypted dataset again by creating a new classification.




You might experience errors when you publish large reports, either from desktop products or when executing a test on the server.

To circumvent this problem, it is recommended that you first try to reduce your reports size by reducing the logging or details level. If the detail level cannot be reduced, you can increase the server limits to support larger reports. To do so, you must rerun the helm command that was performed when you installed Test Hub and add the following arguments:
--set-string ingress.annotations.nginx\\.ingress\\.kubernetes\\.io/proxy-body-size=2g
 --set resources.limits.memory=4Gi 
This example enables the server to accept up to 2 GB reports. This comes at the expense of a higher memory requirement. It is usually recommended to set the resources.limits.memory to 2 GB over the reports size limit.



When you configure HCL OneTest Server test on the UCD server and you enter a value for any of the options available for Show Hidden Properties in the Edit Properties for Run HCL OneTest Server test window, the values for the options do not work as designed during the test run.

To work around this problem, you must not set any values for any options for Show Hidden Properties.



You cannot run tests on the remote static agents connected to HCL OneTest Server that is installed in an OpenShift environment.



When you ran either a Rate or a VU Schedule on HCL OneTest Server and selected a disconnected agent or multiple agents to run on, the run failed and displayed an Error 500 but the execution job stayed in the In Transition state.



If you unarchive a project that was archived while a test was running, the UI incorrectly shows that the test is still running after the unarchive.

To workaround this problem, make sure there are no tests running when you archive a project.



If you configure Keycloak to use an LDAP directory service, you must import and synchronize LDAP users to Keycloak. This is a known issue with Keycloak:

To workaround the problem in Keycloak, on the Add user federation provider page make sure the following settings are set as shown: Import Users = ON, Sync Registrations = ON, and Cache Policy = DEFAULT



When you back up the server, large amounts of additional disk space can be used. To reduce the disk space used, you should first remove the execution container volumes.


Docker images that are created with no tag are assigned the "latest" tag. As the "docker ps" command does not show the "latest" tag anymore since the Docker 19.03.05 release, the Docker images are not detected and not correctly monitored.


Intermediate <none>:<none> Docker images are represented as is and cannot be selected individually in Resource Monitoring counters.


When upgrading from a previous release to V10.0.2, users might see a 500 error when accessing datasets.

This problem can be resolved by performing the following step: Add the following environment variable to automation/docker-compose.yml in the HCL OneTest Server installation directory. The line must go under the "datasets-app: environment:" section (located around line 128). Then reboot the server. SPRING_JPA_HIBERNATE_DDL-AUTO: create

Note: Adding this environment variable will cause saved datasets options (for example, current row) to be reset to the default upon server startup. Other migrated data will be unaffected. The environment variable must be removed once the issue is resolved.




If you back up a project with both API suites and stubs on HCL OneTest Server V10.0.0, when you restore that backup on HCL OneTest Server V10.0.2, the stubs are missing.

To workaround this problem, you can create a new project or you can move the existing GIT repository folder to a sub folder of the current repository and then move it back to the root directory. For example, a project contains a Git repository called Calculator.git in the root (/) folder. When you edit the root folder, you can see several other Git repository folders:/GitNewProjectMyDemoCalculator

You select another folder, for example Calculator, and save. The Git repository called Calculator.git is now in the Calculator folder. You edit the Calculator folder, select the root folder, and save. The Git repository is now in the root (/) folder again.



If you want to add multiple repositories to a HCL OneTest Server project, you cannot add another repository until the last repository completes its synchronization.

To workaround this problem, wait for the last repository to synchronize, then add another repository to your project.



A user who is no longer a member of a project might be displayed in the Secrets tab. If a user is removed from a project and then added back to that project, the user will have the same access to secrets as they had before being removed.



If you (as a user) request to join an orphaned project, a 404 not found error results.

To workaround this problem, ask your administrator to become the project owner, then request to join that project again.



An IBM WebSphere MQ stub that is configured to use more than one transport does not appear on the Execution page of the HCL OneTest Server.



If you restore a backup, it fails due to existing execution containers.



When you enter a URL for a test result directly into a browser or you click a link to a test result in the Jenkins console output from the Jenkins HCL OneTest Server plugin, and you are not logged in to HCL OneTest Server, you see the following message: Request cannot be processed: Unauthorized page.

To workaround this problem, log in to HCL OneTest Server, and then enter the URL or click the test result link to see the test result in a browser.



If you unarchive a project that was archived while a test was running, the UI incorrectly shows that the test is still running after the unarchive.

To workaround this problem, make sure there are no tests running when you archive a project.



When you unregister a remote docker agent, running and schedule tests are not canceled.

To workaround this problem, stop any running tests and cancel any scheduled future executions for that agent before unregistering the remote docker agent.



When you archive a project that has a running test, that test is not stopped. The test completes execution even though it was suppose to stop.



The project search field is case-sensitive. For example, if your project is named MYPROJECT and you search for myproject, HCL OneTest Server does not show any results.



Git repositories that contain projects at the root level and not under a subdirectory are not supported and will not work currently with HCL OneTest Server.



When you schedule a test run and click the Time field a list of times displays. If you enter a value in the Time field, you cannot move the cursor by using the left or right (<- , -> ) keyboard keys. This is a known issue with the following date picker:

To workaround this problem, use the cursor.



When you schedule a test run and click the "Time" field a list of times displays. If you enter a value in the "Time" field, you cannot move the cursor by using the left or right (<- , -> ) keyboard keys. This is a known issue with the following date picker:

To workaround this problem, use the cursor.



If you configure Keycloak to use an LDAP directory service, you should import and synchronize LDAP users to Keycloak. This is a known issue with Keycloak.

To workaround the problem in Keycloak, on the Add user federation provider page make sure the following settings are set as shown:Import Users = ON, Sync Registrations = ON, and Cache Policy = DEFAULT



When checking in a project without a root directory an error is thrown while at the Execution dialog box that does not allow you to select an environment, nor does it remember your selection of secrets. Do not check-in desktop projects to the root of the Git repository. All checked-in desktop projects must contain a parent directory within the Git repository. For example, if the desktop project contained the following assets:-MyProject/.project-MyProject/MyTest.testsuite

Then the Git repository should contain- MyProject/.project-MyProject/MyTest.testsuiteand not just/.project -> Will cause an error/MyTest.testsuite



During the installation of HCL OneTest Server the following error message is shown and can be safely ignored:139836115718592:error:2406F079:random number generator:RAND_load_file:Cannot open file:../crypto/rand/randfile.c:88:Filename=/root/.rnd



Execution results with status "Complete with Error" or "Launch failed" are displayed with inconsistent colors. In verdict statistics views (in Overview and Results pages) they are displayed in blue, whereas in the detail tables they are displayed in red.



In case of a slow network, the cloning of a repository might fail with an error. In such a case, you can delete and add the repository again.



If you interrupt the installation or uninstallation of the HCL OneTest Server software, the installation or uninstallation cannot complete. For a workaround, see Troubleshooting installation.



Selecting a date in the Execution Results card on the Project Overview page does not update the results for that date.



HCL OneTest Server does not currently remove Docker containers after they have exited. The containers will exist in a 'stopped' state but should consume only disk resources (not memory). The Docker command docker ps -a shows both running and stopped containers.

This problem is normally not an issue but if the list grows large it consumes disk resources or might make it difficult to find other stopped containers.

On HCL OneTest Server system (assuming Linux), to view stopped execution containers, use the following Docker command:

docker ps --filter "status=exited" | grep 'EC_[0-9]' | awk '

{print $1}'

To remove stopped execution containers from the system, use the following Docker command:

docker ps --filter "status=exited" | grep 'EC_[0-9]' | awk '{print $1}

' | xargs docker rm



When monitoring a test execution with the Statistical report, data might stop updating after about an hour. To get updated data, reload the page in your browser.



A server shutdown will not stop currently running executions. It is recommended to not shutdown the server if there are active executions running. If the server is shut down while assets are executing the reported status of those executions might be incorrect.



A server shutdown will not stop currently running executions. It is recommended to not shutdown the server if there are active executions running. If the server is shut down while assets are executing the reported status of those executions might be incorrect.




HCL OneTest Server Login and Account Settings pages are only available in English.



In case of a slow network, the cloning of a repository might fail with an error. In such a case, you can delete and add the repository again.



In case of a slow network, the cloning of a repository might fail with an error. In such a case, you can delete and add the repository again.



If there are errors encountered during server shutdown or while uninstalling the server, they can be caused by active asset executions in progress. It is recommended to allow any executions in progress to complete before shutting down or uninstalling the server. If you want to force a shutdown, the following commands can be used to identify and stop active containers:

Show all running and stopped containers that are part of server asset execution:

docker ps -a -f 'name=EC_*'

Remove containers, including running containers:

docker rm -f $(docker ps -q -a -f 'name=EC_*')



After adding a repository to a project, you see a GREEN status indicator. When you remove the ssh key from Github, the GREEN status changes to RED. When you update Github with a new ssh key and update the same for the repository in HCL OneTest Server, the status indicator does not immediately change to GREEN but it does change to GREEN after a couple of minutes.



HCL OneTest Server for Windows is provided for evaluation purposes. It is intended for non-production use, for example, trials and demonstrations. It is neither supported nor recommended for production use due to insufficient stability and reliability of Docker for Windows while running Linux images at the time of release.

HCL OneTest Server is tested on both Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition and it operates correctly. However, it is suitable and supported for non-production use only. If native Linux is unavailable, you can run HCL OneTest Server for production use on a Linux virtual machine on their Windows host, provided that the Linux virtual machine is running a supported version of Linux.



When working in multiple HCL OneTest Server tabs concurrently, a message “You are already logged in” might sometimes be displayed. This message occurs when your session has expired and you have since logged in again, but then attempt a navigation action in a browser tab other than the one in which you logged in.

This is a known Keycloak issue. For more information, see To workaround this problem, close the tab and open a new one.



When working in multiple HCL OneTest Server tabs concurrently, a message You are already logged in might sometimes be displayed. This message occurs when your session has expired and you have since logged in again, but then attempt a navigation action in a browser tab other than the one in which you logged in.

This is a known Keycloak issue. For more information, see To workaround this problem, close the tab and open a new one.



After about 20 minutes of an inactive browser session for HCL OneTest Server, if you attempt to use the existing browser session, you must authenticate again by providing your username and password. When you do so, the message "You took too long to log in. Try again.“ is displayed and you must enter your credentials again.


HCL OneTest Performance Agent

With 10.0, you might expect a reduction in the number of Virtual Users (VUs) supported by HCL OneTest Performance Agent depending upon workload characteristics. This variation is the result of the product shipping with OpenJDK™ 8 with OpenJ9 instead of IBM JRE.

OpenJDK 8 with OpenJ9 JRE exhibits a higher utilization of CPU for the workload. Up to 30% or more decrease in the supported VUs capacity may be expected for CPU-bound workloads. However, for memory-bound workloads, a much smaller, if any reduction in VUs capacity may be expected.

If you need higher performance and have access to IBM JRE or later that contains the latest security fixes, you can switch from OpenJDK 8 with OpenJ9 to IBM JRE. For more information, see
