Test run considerations for using mobile device clouds

Before you configure runs of tests that use mobile device clouds as the location, you must first read the considerations that you need to take into account.

Before you can use mobile devices that are connected to a mobile device cloud from HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub), you must complete the following tasks:
  • Create any of the following types of tests that are supported to be run from Test Hub.
    Test type Description

    AFT Suite

    The AFT Suite must specify the path to the tests, device names, and the device cloud location to run the tests.

    AFT Suites that specify multiple tests or devices on the same device cloud are supported.
    Restriction: AFT Suites that specify a single test on multiple devices or multiple tests on multiple devices when the devices are connected to multiple device clouds are not supported.
    Compound Tests that contain mobile tests or Web UI tests that use a device cloud

    The Compound Tests must specify multiple mobile tests or multiple Web UI tests that run on a device connected to a single device cloud.

    Restriction: Compound Tests that specify tests on single or multiple devices that are connected to multiple device clouds are not supported.
    Individual mobile test or Web UI test that use a device cloud

    The individual test must be either a mobile test or a Web UI test that runs on a device connected to a single device cloud.

  • Ensure that you have valid credentials for the mobile device clouds, which are supported to be connected from Test Hub. You must have the details as listed in the following table for the mobile device cloud that you want to connect and use:
    Attribute Description Mobile device cloud
    BitBar Cloud BrowserStack Cloud pCloudy Cloud Perfecto Mobile Cloud
    Host The hostname of the mobile device cloud instance. Required Required Required Required
    API key The API key of your cloud account to authenticate the connection. Required Required Required Not applicable
    Security token The token used to authenticate the connection. Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Required
    Project The project name to use on the mobile device cloud. Required Required Not applicable Not applicable
    Username The username of your cloud account. Not applicable Required Required Not applicable
  • Complete the following prerequisite tasks to enable the devices on the mobile device cloud for testing mobile apps or mobile web browsers:
    Device cloud Testing on Android OS Testing on iOS
    BitBar Cloud
    • Uploaded the .apk file of the Android application that you want to test.
    • Installed the Android application that you want to test on the Android device.
    • Installed the .ipa or .app file of the iOS application that you want to test.
    • Installed the iOS application that you want to test on the iOS device.
    BrowserStack Cloud
    Perfecto Mobile Cloud
    pCloudy Cloud
    • Uploaded the .apk file of the Android application that you want to test.
    • Installed the Android application that you want to test on the Android device.
    • Verified that the device you want to test is available and in the Released state on the pCloudy Cloud.
    • Uploaded the .ipa file of the iOS application that you want to test.
    • Installed the iOS application that you want to test on the iOS device.
    • Verified that the device you want to test is available and in the Released state on the pCloudy Cloud.
  • Ensure that as a Project Owner or Tester, you are an authorized user of the cloud credential in your team space. See Viewing details of cloud credentials.
  • Ensure that you create a variables file that contains the details of the agent or device cloud, if you do not want to use the cloud credentials on the server.