Configuring the Xray integration

You can set up the Xray integration when you want to export test results from HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub) to an issue in your Xray project in Jira. You must configure the Xray integration in your project in Test Hub before you select the Xray project in Jira as the location to export the test results after the test runs in Test Hub.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:


  1. Log in to Test Hub.

    The team space that contains your project is displayed.

  2. Click Active projects > My projects > project_name to open the project that contains the test assets.

    The Overview page of the project is displayed.

  3. Click Manage > Integration in the navigation pane.
    The Integration page is displayed.
  4. Click the TEST MANAGEMENT tab, if it is not already open.
  5. Click Add Integration > Jira/Xray Software.

    The Add Xray Integration dialog is displayed.

  6. Perform the following steps:
    1. Enter the Xray API key that was generated for the Client Id and copied into the text file, in the Client Id field.
    2. Enter the Xray API key that was generated for the Client Secret and copied into the text file, in the Client Secret field.
    3. Click Save.

      The Xray configuration is saved and displayed on the TEST MANAGEMENT page.


You configured the Xray integration on Test Hub.

What to do next

You can perform the following tasks:

  • View the following information on the TEST MANAGEMENT tab that you used to configure the Xray integration:

    • The URL of the Jira server on which the Xray test management app is installed.
    • The project that you selected in Jira.
    • The Xray API key that is used as the Client ID.
    • The status of the Xray configuration.
  • Select an issue in Jira as the location to which you can export the test results of a test run while you configure a run of the test on Test Hub. See Selecting a Jira Xray issue to export test results.