Basic generators

You can use the built-in basic generators in Data definitions with or without modifying the default configurations of the generators.

The Data fabrication feature of HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub) contains a collection of built-in data generators available in the Basic category on the Catalog tab of a Data definition.

Basic generators are the built-in generators of the Data fabrication feature of Test Hub that you can use to generate diverse test data. These generators provide commonly used data types and patterns that you can select and configure in a Data definition to generate realistic test data.

The basic generators that you can use in Test Hub are as follows:
  • Address
  • Boolean
  • Dataset
  • DateTime
  • Enumerator
  • Function
  • Name
  • Number
  • Phone
  • Regex
  • String
  • Text
  • UUID

Every basic generator has unique parameters with default features. When you click a basic generator that is added as a field in the Data definition, the corresponding unique parameters with their default configuration are displayed in a new dialog. The new dialog is named after the generator that you select.

You can change the default configurations of any basic generator only when it is added as a field in a Data definition. You can use the changed configurations for any basic generator in the Data definition by saving the Data definition. The changed configuration is applicable only in the Data definition that contains it and is not available for use from the Catalog tab.

If you want to save the modified generators, you can create them as custom generators and save them in a custom category in the Catalog tab.