Adding authorized users to a cloud credential

After you add the mobile device cloud account details to a cloud credential in your team space inHCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub), you can add other team space members as authorized users of this cloud credential. The authorized users can then run mobile tests on the devices that are connected to the mobile device cloud by using this cloud credential. The authorized users need not configure a connection to the mobile device cloud.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:

About this task

You as a Team Space Owner can add the cloud credentials of your mobile device cloud account to your team space. You can then add team space members to this cloud credential as authorized users. The authorized users can use the cloud credential to connect to the mobile device cloud from Test Hub. They can configure their mobile tests in any project in the team space to run on the mobile devices that are connected to the mobile device cloud.


  1. Log in to Test Hub.

    The team space that contains your project is displayed.

  2. Click Infrastructure > Cloud Credentials on the navigation pane.

    The Cloud Credentials page is displayed with the cloud credentials that are added to the team space.

  3. Identify the cloud credential by performing any of the following actions:
    • Scroll through the table of cloud credentials to identify the cloud credential with the name you provided.
    • Search for the cloud credential by entering the name of the credential in the Search field.
    • Sort the Provider column so that the names of the device cloud providers are listed alphabetically in either increasing or decreasing order. Identify your device cloud provider and look for the name of your credential.
    You identified the cloud credential that you want to use.
  4. Perform the following steps to add team space members as authorized users:
    1. Click the Add Members icon Icon of add members. in the row of the credential.

      The Add New Member dialog is displayed.

    2. Enter any text that is contained in the name or email ID of the team space member that you want to add in the field.

      The team space users are listed whose names or email ID matches the search text.

    3. Select the team space member.

      The selected member is added to the list of authorized users and is displayed under Members with access.

    4. Click Close to close the dialog.
      The abbreviated name of the team space member is displayed under the Members column in the row of the cloud credential.
      Note: The abbreviated name is the combination of the first letters of the first name and last name.

      You can view the first name, last name, username, and the email ID of the added member when you hover over the abbreviated name.


You as a Team Space Owner added team space members as authorized users of the cloud credential.

What to do next

You can inform the team space members that they are added as authorized users of the cloud credential. The authorized users can use the credential to connect and run tests on mobile device clouds. The authorized users of the credential can configure the following test runs: