Encrypting a dataset column

To secure test data, you must encrypt datasets in HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub). You can encrypt data in the columns of a dataset by using an encryption key. When you run a test that utilizes a dataset with encrypted variables, you must enter the encryption key for the encrypted column that the test uses.

Before you begin

You must have created a dataset. See Creating a dataset.


  1. Log in to Test Hub.

    The team space that contains your project is displayed.

  2. Click Active projects > My projects > project_name to open the project that contains the test assets.

    The Overview page of the project is displayed.

  3. Click Author > Data.

    The Data page and the Data navigator are displayed.

  4. Select the branch that contains your project with the datasets that you want to edit.

    The projects in the selected branch are displayed in the Data navigator. The datasets are listed under the folder you created to contain the dataset within a logical folder named Datasets.

  5. Click the dataset in the data navigator.

    The dataset opens in the right pane.

  6. Click Edit.
  7. Select your action to either select an existing Edit branch or create an Edit branch:
    • Perform the following steps to select the Edit branch:
      1. Select an Edit branch from the Select branch list if Edit branches already exist in the selected branch of the repository.
      2. Click Ok.

      You selected an existing Edit branch.

    • Perform the following steps to create the Edit branch:
      1. Select Create new branch.
      2. Enter a name for the Edit branch.
      3. Click Save.

      You created an Edit branch.

  8. Right-click any cell in a column that you want to encrypt and select Encrypt column data.
    The Encrypt Column window is displayed.
  9. Enter an encryption key in the Encryption Key field to encrypt the data in the column.
    Remember: When you have already encrypted other columns in the dataset, you must enter the same encryption key that you used previously. You can use only one encryption key to encrypt columns in a dataset.

    The encryption keys that you use to encrypt data in a dataset are not stored on the server nor can be retrieved from the server. Therefore, you must remember to store the encryption keys in a secure location. You must use the same encryption keys to perform the following operations:

    • View the encrypted values

    • Decrypt data

    • Enable the use of the encrypted dataset during test runs

  10. Click Encrypt Column.
    Asterisks are displayed instead of actual data for the encrypted column.
  11. Click the Save icon image of the save icon. to save the changes to the dataset.


You have encrypted the dataset column in your project.

What to do next

You can publish the dataset to the Git repository so that other members of the project can use the dataset by clicking the Publish icon publish_icon. See Publishing changes in datasets.