Selecting a Jira Xray issue to export test results

After you configure the Xray integration on HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub), you can select a Jira Xray issue in Jira or create a new issue in Jira to export the test results. The test results are exported to the selected issue after the tests run on Test Hub. You can then view and track the test results in your Jira project.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:

  • Ensured that you are assigned a role as a Project Owner or Tester in the project. See Managing access to the server projects.
  • Configured the Xray integration by using the Xray API keys that are generated for your username. See Configuring the Xray integration.

  • Ensured that the Execute test asset dialog is displayed and you have configured the other settings for a test run in Test Hub.

About this task

When you configure a test run in Test Hub, you can select a Jira issue as the location where you want the test results to be exported. After the test is run, the results are exported to the Jira issue. You can then view and track the test results in the Jira issue from your project in Jira.


  1. Click the RESULTS tab in the Execute test asset dialog.
    The RESULTS tab is displayed.
    Note: The Export report options field is enabled only if you configured the Xray integration with the Xray API keys that are generated for your username in Jira.
  2. Perform the actions listed in the following table to select an option to export the test results:
    Export options Results in... Actions

    Jira Xray

    The test results of the test that you configure for a run are exported to the selected issue after the test run is completed. The results are exported to the selected issue that exists in your Xray project in Jira.

    Perform the following steps:
    1. Select the Jira Xray option.

      The Select issue field is displayed.

    2. Click the field to view the list of issues in the Xray project in Jira. Alternatively, you can enter the issue key in the Jira Xray project.
    3. Select the issue to which you want to export the test results.
    4. Continue with the next step.

    New Jira item

    The test results of the test that you configure for a run are exported to a new Jira issue. The issue is created in your project in Jira after the test run is completed.

    Perform the following steps:
    1. Select the New Jira item option.
    2. Continue with the next step.


    The test results are not exported.
    Note: This is the default option.
    Perform the following steps when:
    • You do not want to export the test results.
    • You selected a Jira issue in a previous run of the same test, and you do not want to export the results of the current run.
    1. Select the None option.
    2. Continue with the next step.


You selected an issue in your Xray project or created an issue in Jira as a location to export the test results of a test run on Test Hub.

What to do next

After the test run is completed, you can go to the Results page and expand the test result to view the Xray issue key to which the test results were exported. You can then click the Xray issue key link to open the issue and view the details of the issue in Jira.