Managing in-app notifications

You can manage the in-app notifications by changing the subscriptions that are automatically enabled for you for all events that occur on . You can view the server events that are automatically subscribed and then change the subscription for any or all events. For example, as a team space owner, you can choose to be notified when members of the team space create new projects or delete their projects but not be notified when tests are run.

Before you begin

About this task

The in-app notifications that are automatically subscribed for you, are displayed in the server UI under the following categories for the server events that occur:
Category Notifications displayed


Include information about actions performed by team space members in the team space.


Include information about actions performed by registered users at the server level.


  1. Select from the following actions that you want to perform:
    • Modify notification settings. Go to Step 3.
    • View notifications. Go to Step 4.
    • Unsubscribe from the in-app notifications. Go to Step 5.
  2. Perform the following steps to modify the notification settings:
    1. Click the User icon Image of the User icon. on the menu bar.
    2. Click Notification Settings.

      The Notification Settings dialog is displayed.

    3. Change the language in which you want to receive the notifications, if you do not want to use the default language by selecting a language from the list.

      The default language is the language set on the computer that hosts .

    4. Identify the server events for which you want to change the subscription, and then click the Expand icon Image of the expand icon. in the row of the server event.
      You can notice that for each of the server events, the in-app channel is displayed as selected, which is the default selection unless you have modified the subscription. Image of the notification settings dialog.
    5. Perform the actions indicated in the following table to clear the subscriptions for server events that you do not want to be notified and to select the in-app subscription for the server events that you want to be notified.
      When Action

      You do not want to receive the in-app notifications for a specific server event.

      Perform the following steps:
      1. Expand the channel list in the row of the server event.
      2. Clear the checkbox in the In App row to clear the subscription.
      3. Click Apply.

      You have unsubscribed from the in-app channel and the in-app notifications for the server event is not displayed for you when the event occurs.

      You want to receive the in-app notifications for a specific server event.
      Perform the following steps:
      1. Expand the channel list in the row of the server event.
      2. Select the checkbox in the In App row, if it is cleared.
      3. Click Apply.

      You have subscribed to the in-app channel and the in-app notifications for the server event is displayed for you when the event occurs.

    6. Go to Results.
  3. Perform the following steps to view the in-app notifications:
    1. Click the Notifications icon Image of the notification icon. on the menu bar.

      The Notifications dialog is displayed.

      The notifications are displayed in the following tabs:
      • User
      • System
      You can find the information about the default notifications that you can view based on your role in the server as in-app notifications in the USER tab and SYSTEM tab.
      Category Notification details or or

      User notifications

      Information about events at the server level or across team spaces performed by other team space owners.

      Image of the tick mark icon.

      Image of the tick mark icon.

      Image of the cross mark icon.

      Image of the cross mark icon.

      Information about events in the team space performed by other team space members.

      Image of the tick mark icon.

      Image of the cross mark icon.

      Image of the cross mark icon.

      Image of the cross mark icon.

      Information about events in the project performed by other project members.

      Image of the cross mark icon.

      Image of the tick mark icon.

      Image of the tick mark icon.

      Image of the cross mark icon.

      Information about events performed by you in a project.

      Image of the cross mark icon.

      Image of the cross mark icon.

      Image of the tick mark icon.

      Image of the tick mark icon.

      System notifications

      Information about events at the server level or across team spaces.

      Image of the tick mark icon.

      Image of the tick mark icon.

      Image of the cross mark icon.

      Image of the cross mark icon.

      Information about events in the team space performed by other team space members.

      Image of the tick mark icon.

      Image of the tick mark icon.

      Image of the cross mark icon.

      Image of the cross mark icon.

      Information about events in the projects at the team space level performed by other project members.

      Image of the tick mark icon.

      Image of the tick mark icon.

      Image of the cross mark icon.

      Image of the cross mark icon.

      The notifications in the USER tab is displayed as the default option.

    2. View the notifications in the USER tab.
    3. View the notifications at the server level by clicking the SYSTEM tab.

  4. Perform the following steps to unsubscribe to the in-app notifications:

    1. Click the Open action menu icon Image of the Open action menu icon. in the row of Notifications.
      The following panel is displayed: Subscribe or unsubscribe to all notification channels
    2. Perform the actions indicated in the following table for the option you want:
      When Action Results in

      You do not want to receive any in-app notifications.

      Click the Unsubscribe from In App option, and then click Apply.

      The in-app channel selection for all server events is cleared and you are unsubscribed from the in-app channel. The subscription to the SMTP channel is not changed.

      If you had subscribed to the SMTP notifications for all events, the SMTP channel is displayed as selected. If you had not subscribed to the SMTP channel, then the SMTP checkbox is not selected.

      You do not want to receive any in-app or the SMTP email notifications.

      Click the Unsubscribe from all Channels option, and then click Apply.

      The in-app channel and the SMTP channel selections for all server events are cleared and you are unsubscribed from both the channels. No channel is displayed as selected for subscription for all server events. Image of the channels unsubscription options.

      You want to subscribe to the in-app notifications for all server events.

      Click the Subscribe to In App option, and then click Apply.

      The in-app channel for all server events is selected and you are subscribed to the in-app channel. The in-app notifications is displayed as selected for subscription for all server events.

      You want to receive notifications as in-app and as SMTP email notifications.

      Click the Subscribe to all Channels option, and then click Apply.

      The in-app channel and the SMTP channel are displayed as selected for all server events and you are subscribed to both the channels. However, the SMTP notifications are sent to your email only if the SMTP server is configured on .


You completed the following tasks:
  • Modified the notification subscriptions.
  • Viewed the notifications displayed for you in the USER tab and SYSTEM tab.
  • Unsubscribed from or subscribed to either the in-app channel or both the in-app and SMTP channels.