Creating tests or virtual service resources

You can create tests or virtual service resources by using the test authoring capabilities of HCL OneTest Server. After you create and publish the test assets or resources to a branch in your project repository, you can run the tests or virtual service resources on HCL OneTest Server.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:


  1. Log in to HCL OneTest Server.

    The team space that contains your project is displayed.

  2. Open the project, and then click Author > Tests.

    The existing test assets in the branch of the project repository are displayed if they exist.

    The details such as test design considerations, the load test profile, or other details that you entered as properties of the test asset in the desktop products are displayed in the Description column.

  3. Click Create test, and then select the type of test assets that you want to create.
    You can select any of the following types of tests:
    • API test
    • Functional test
    • Performance test
    After you select the type of test, the corresponding containerized product is displayed in a new browser tab. Refer to the following table for the types of tests or virtual services that you can create in the containerized product:
    Test type selected Containerized product displayed Supported tests that you can create
    API test HCL OneTest API The following test types are supported:
    • API Test Suite
    • API tests
    • Virtual services
    • Postman resources
    Functional test HCL OneTest UI
    Note: This is a shell-shared version with HCL OneTest Performance with which you can create both functional tests and performance tests.
    The following test types are supported :
    • AFT Suite
    • Compound Tests that contain any of the following types of tests:
      • HTML tests
      • Performance tests
      • Web UI tests
    • JMeter tests
    • JUnit tests
    • Functional Web UI tests
    • Performance tests
    • Rate Schedules
    • VU Schedules
    Performance test

    The containerized product displays the product UI similar to the desktop product. You must use the options similar to the desktop product to create the tests or virtual services in the containerized products.

  4. Create the test or virtual services by using the containerized product.
    You can refer to the product documentation of the desktop products to find information about the specific tasks that you want to perform in the containerized product. Use the following links to the product documentation:
  5. Save and commit the test assets or virtual service resources to the Git repository that is configured in your project from the containerized product.
  6. Delete the containerized product session by closing the browser tab of the containerized product, and then click Delete session.

    The test assets that you created in the containerized product are displayed in the TESTS tab. The virtual services that you create are displayed on the Resources page.

  7. Click Author > Changes.
  8. Select the Git repository to which the test asset or resource was committed in the containerized product.
  9. Click Publish.

    Publishing the test assets or resources to the Git repository makes the test assets or resources to be available to other members of your project.


You created a test by using the containerized product on HCL OneTest Server.

What to do next

You can configure a run of the tests that you created. See Test run configurations.

If you created virtual services in the containerized HCL OneTest API product, you can configure a run of the virtual services. See Configuring a run of a virtual service.