Creating HCL® Compass work items

You can create HCL® Compass work items for the tests that ran on HCL OneTest Server. For example, you might want to create a work item in HCL® Compass when the test results differ from the expected results.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:


  1. Log in to HCL OneTest Server.

    The team space that contains your project is displayed.

  2. Click Active projects > My projects > project_name to open the project that contains the test assets.

    The Overview page of the project is displayed.

  3. Open the Results page by clicking Analyze > Results.
    The test assets that ran are displayed in the following tabs on the Results page:
    Tab Description
    SUITES Lists all suites, compound tests, JMeter tests, JUnit tests, Postman tests, Rate Schedules, or VU Schedules that are in the selected branch of the repository.
    TESTS Lists all API tests, functional tests, or performance tests that are in the selected branch of the repository.
    ADVANCED Lists all assets that are displayed when custom filters are applied for assets in the selected branch of the repository.
    You can click the relevant Tab to view the tests that you ran.
  4. Identify the test asset by performing any of the following actions:
    • Scroll through the list.
      Tip: You can hover over the icon in the Type column to know the type of the test asset.
      Note: You can also identify the type of the asset from the icon that represents the test type as shown in the following table:
      Icon Represents Listed in the SUITES tab Listed in the TESTS tab Listed in the ADVANCED tab
      API test image of checkmark image of checkmark
      Functional test image of checkmark image of checkmark
      Performance test image of checkmark image of checkmark
      AFT Suite image of checkmark image of checkmark
      API Suite image of checkmark image of checkmark
      Compound Test image of checkmark image of checkmark
      HCL AppScan CodeSweep image of checkmark image of checkmark
      JMeter Test image of checkmark image of checkmark
      JUnit Test image of checkmark image of checkmark
      Postman test image of checkmark image of checkmark
      Rate Schedule image of checkmark image of checkmark
      VU Schedule image of checkmark image of checkmark
    • Search for the test by entering any text contained in the test asset name in the Search field.
    • Select a time within which the test was run. For example, you can select the option Last 24 hours to view the tests that ran in the previous 24 hours.
    • Select a date range within which the test was run. You can click the calendar icon Image of the calendar icon. to select the date in the first image as the start date, and then select the end date in the second image.
    • Click the Filter icon Image of the filter icon in the SUITES or TESTS tab to filter the displayed tests based on the test type.

      For example, select API Suite in the SUITES tab to display all API Suites or select Functional Test in the TESTS tab to display all functional tests.

    • Click the Filter icon Image of the filter icon in the ADVANCED tab, and then create a filter query by using the New filter option by performing the following steps:
      1. Click New filter.
      2. Enter a name for the filter.
      3. Select an operator, and add a rule, or a group of rules.
      4. Add or enter the relevant parameters and either select or enter the condition and the criteria for the condition.
        You can select a parameter from the following list:
        • ID
        • Type
        • Test
        • Version
        • Result
        • Started on
        • Finish on
        • Duration
        • Status
        • Verdict
        • Labels
        • Locked
        • Repository
        • Branch
        • Text
      5. Save the filter query to save and apply the filter query to filter the tests based on the query.

        The tests that match the filter criteria are displayed.

    • Retrieve and apply a saved filter query, if you have saved filter queries previously by performing the following steps:
      Note: The filter query applied previously is selected and the tests based on that filter query are displayed. To apply a different filter query, you must have created and saved the filter query.
      1. Click the Filter icon Image of the filter icon in the ADVANCED tab.

        The filter queries that you created and saved are displayed.

      2. Click the filter that you want to apply.

        The tests that match the filter criteria are displayed.

    You have identified the test that you want to use.

  5. Perform the following actions on the identified test to create an HCL® Compass work item in HCL® Compass:
    1. Click the Compass: Create a work item icon that is under the Actions column in the row of the test.

      Alternatively, you can click the test under the Test column to view the results panel, and then click the Compass: Create a work item icon that is displayed in the panel.

      The Create a work item in Compass dialog is displayed.

    2. Select the application from the list in the Application field.
      Remember: The application that you select must be the application for which you ran the test.
    3. Enter the username in the Username field.
      Note: The username is authorized to access the HCL® Compass server.
    4. Enter the password in the Password field to authenticate the username.
      Note: After the credentials that you provided in the Username and Password fields are authorized by the HCL® Compass server, you need not enter these values for subsequent connections to create a work item.
    5. Click Next.

      The dialog displays the URL of the HCL® Compass server and the Application that you selected.

    6. Select the work item type as WorkItem.
    7. Click Next.
    8. Select the project from the list in the Project field.
    9. Select the type of the work item from the list in the Type field.
    10. Enter text that is to be used as the title of the work item in the HCL® Compass work item.

      You can view the details of the test run in the Description field, which is appended to the work item that is created for the test run in HCL® Compass.

    A work item is created in HCL® Compass and a link to the work item is created in the Report panel of the Results page.
    • You cannot delete the work item that is created in HCL® Compass from HCL OneTest Server.
    • You can create multiple work items for the same test result, if required.


You have created a work item in HCL® Compass from the Results page for the test that ran on HCL OneTest Server.

What to do next

You can perform any of the following tasks: