Generating public and consumer keys

You must generate a public key and a consumer key in a project that is available on HCL OneTest Server to configure Jira as a defect management system.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:

  • Installed Jira on your computer. For more information about installing Jira, refer to the Jira documentation.

  • Been assigned a project Owner role.

  • Created a project and added the remote Git repository to the project so that the test assets are available in HCL OneTest Server.

  • Ensured that you can access the Jira server.


  1. Log in to HCL OneTest Server, if you are not already logged in.
  2. Open your project.
  3. Expand Manage, and then click Integration.
  4. Click the CHANGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM tab, and then click Add system.
    The Configure change management system window is displayed.
  5. Enter the URL of the Jira server in the Change management system link field, and then click Add.
    A public key and consumer key are generated and are displayed on the Configure tracking system window.
  6. Click Copy to copy and save the keys in a text editor.


You have generated the public and consumer keys.

What to do next

You must share the public and consumer keys with the administrator of the Jira server to set up an application link in Jira. However, if you are an administrator of the Jira server, you can set up an application link in the Jira server. See Setting up an application link in the Jira server.