Creating components

The first step in building a system model is to create components. The components serve as the building blocks for the system model.


  1. Log in to HCL OneTest Server.
  2. Click System Model.

    The System Model page is displayed.

    Note: You can also create components from the System Model page in any of the projects in your team space repository.
  3. Click the Add a component icon Image of the add icon..

    The Add a component dialog box is displayed.

  4. Enter a name for the component in the Name field.
  5. Select the component type from the Type field.
    The following component types are available:
    • Service
    • Database
    • UI
  6. Click Add.


You have created a new component.

What to do next

You can associate child components and define the relationship between the components. See Creating and associating child components and Editing components.