Creating and associating child components

You can create child components to associate one component with another component. The child components can be related to each other. You can also create child components for a component which is a child of another component.

Before you begin

You must have a created a component.

About this task

You can create multiple child components. After you create a child for a component, the child is represented as a white dot on the system model. The number of white dots on a component denotes the number of child components that are available for a component. You can specify the dependency among the components. For a component, you can associate as many as child components as you want.


  1. Log in to HCL OneTest Server.
  2. Click System Model.

    The System Model page is displayed.

  3. Click the component.

    The component details are displayed in the right pane.

  4. Click Add child icon Image of the add icon. in the right pane of the component.

    The Add child dialog box is displayed.

  5. Enter a name for the child component.
  6. Select one of the following types for the child component:
    • Service
    • Database
    • UI
  7. Click Add.


A component is created and it is associated as a child with the selected component and the name of the child is displayed in the Children section.