Using a custom trust store for HCL Launch integration

You can use a custom trust store in the IBM® Rational® Test Automation Server Launch plugin file to establish a trusted and secure connection between the HCL Launch server and Rational® Test Automation Server.

Before you begin

You must have configured the certificate that is used by Rational® Test Automation Server as a trusted CA, and then install Rational® Test Automation Server. See Installation of server software.

About this task

If the SSL certificate assigned to Rational® Test Automation Server is signed by an internal Certified Authority (CA), then you must download and import the CA certificate to a custom trust store. You can then use the custom trust store in the IBM® Rational® Test Automation Server test process step to establish a trusted and secure connection between the HCL Launch server and Rational® Test Automation Server.

Note: If the internal CA certificate is already imported to the default trust store that is used by the HCL Launch server, you need not use a custom trust store.


  1. Locate the default trust store file (cacerts file) in your JRE directory from your computer, and then copy the file to a location of your choice on your computer.
  2. Run the following command from the command prompt or terminal to import the CA certificate to your custom trust store:
    keytool -import -trustcacerts -file <path to the downloaded CA certificate with the file extension> -alias <custom label for the certificate> -keystore <path to the trust store>

    For example,

    keytool -import -trustcacerts -file C:\Users\ca file.crt -alias alias1 -keystore D:\cert\cacerts

    Note: The default password of the trust store is changeit. It remains the same for the custom trust store. If you want to change the password, you can run the following command, and then enter the new password:
    keytool -storepasswd -keystore <path to the trust store>

    For example, keytool -storepasswd -keystore D:\cert\cacerts


You have successfully imported the downloaded CA certificate to the custom trust store.

What to do next

You can then run the tests that are available in your Rational® Test Automation Server project from the HCL Launch server.