Integrating Studio with Microsoft Visual Studio

HCL DevOps Test Embedded (Test Embedded) provides a special setup tool to configure runtime analysis tools with Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0.

Note Integration with Microsoft Visual Studio is only available with the Windows version of Test Embedded Studio.


Both Test Embedded and Microsoft Visual Studio must be installed on the same machine.

To install the Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 plug-in:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, select Programs HCL® Software > Test Embedded Software Test Embedded, Tools and Test EmbeddedPlug-in for Microsoft Visual Studio Install to add the new menu items to Microsoft Visual Studio

To uninstall the plug-in:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, select Programs > Test Embedded Software > Test Embedded Software, Test Embedded, Tools andTest Embedded Plug-in for Microsoft Visual Studio Uninstall to remove the plug-in from Microsoft Visual Studio.

To install the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET plug-in:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, select All Programs > Test Embedded Software > Test Embedded > Tools > TDP Editor.
  2. In the TDP Editor, select File > Open and open cvisual7.xdp located in the <install_directory>/ targets/xml directory.
  3. Under Basic Settings > For All, set the INSTALL_PLUGIN key to TRUE.
  4. Save cvisual7.xdp and close the TDP Editor.

To uninstall the plug-in:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, select All Programs > Test Embedded Software > Test Embedded > Tools > TDP Editor.
  2. In the TDP Editor, select File > Open and open cvisual7.xdp located in the <install_directory>/ targets/xml directory.
  3. Under Basic Settings > For All, set the INSTALL_PLUGIN key to FALSE.
  4. Save cvisual7.xdp and close the TDP Editor.


The Test Embedded setup for Microsoft Visual Studio tool allows you to set up and activate coverage types and instrumentation options for Test Embedded Studio runtime analysis features, without leaving Microsoft Visual Studio.

To run the product Setup for Microsoft Visual Studio:

In Microsoft Visual Studio, two new items are added to the Tools menu:

  • Test Embedded Viewer:this launches the Studio user interface, providing access to reports generated by Test Embedded runtime analysis and test features.

  • Test Embedded Options:this launches the Setup for Microsoft Visual Studio tool.

The following commands are available:

  • Apply:Applies the changes made

  • OK:Apply the choices made and leave the window

  • Enable or Disable: Enable or Disable the runtime analysis tools

  • Cancel:Cancels modifications

Code Coverage Instrumentation Options

See About Code Coverage and the sections about coverage types.

  • Function instrumentation:

    • SelectNoneto disable instrumentation of function inputs, outputs and termination instructions.

    • SelectFunctionsto instrument function inputs only.

    • SelectExitsto instrument function inputs, outputs and termination instructions.

  • Function calls instrumentation (C only):

    • SelectNoneto disable function call instrumentation.

    • SelectCallsto enable function call instrumentation.

  • Block instrumentation

    • SelectNoneto disable block instrumentation.

    • SelectStatement Blocksto instrument simple blocks only.

    • SelectImplicit Blocksto instrument simple and implicit blocks.

    • SelectLoopsto instrument implicit blocks and loops.

  • Condition instrumentation (C only)

    • SelectNoneto disable condition instrumentation

    • SelectBasicto instrument basic conditions

    • SelectModified/Multipleto instrument multiple

    • SelectForcedto instrument forced multiple conditions

  • No Ternaries Code Coverage:when this option is selected, simple blocks corresponding for the ternary expression true and false branches are not instrumented

  • Instrumentation Mode:see Information Modes for more information.

    • Pass mode:allows you to distinguish covered branches from those not covered.

    • Count mode:The number of times each branch is executed is displayed in addition to the pass mode information in the coverage report.

    • Compact mode:The compact mode is similar to the Pass mode. But each branch is stored in one bit instead of one byte to reduce overhead.

Other Options

  • Dump:this specifies the dump mode:

    • SelectNoneto dump on exit of the application

    • SelectCallingto dump on call of the specified function

    • SelectIncomingto dump when entering the specified function

    • SelectReturningto dump when exiting from the specified function

  • Static Files Directory:allows you to specify where the.fdcand.tsffiles are to be generated

  • Runtime Tracing:this option activates the Runtime Tracing runtime analysis feature

  • Memory Profiling:this option activates the Memory Profiling runtime analysis feature

  • Performance Profiling:this option activates the Performance Profiling runtime analysis feature

  • Other:allows you to specify additional command-line options that are not available using the buttons. See the Reference help for a complete list of Instrumentor options.