Defect fixes

You can find the defects that are fixed in this version of HCL DevOps Test Embedded (Test Embedded). You can also find the defects that were fixed in the earlier versions of Test Embedded. DevOps Test Embedded is the new name of HCL OneTest Embedded from 9.0.0 onwards.

Defects fixed in Test Embedded 2023.12 (9.0.0)

The defects fixed in the current version of Test Embedded are as follows:

Table 1. List of fixes in Test Embedded




Previously, when you clicked the Open Call Graph option on the project or Refresh option from the View Menu drop-down list in DevOps Test Embedded for Eclipse IDE, a null pointer exception error message was displayed if the code contained ternary expressions with function pointers. This problem is fixed.


Previously, when you selected the Convert to IBM Rational Test RealTime Project option from the menu on a project that was not a C project, a null pointer exception error message was displayed. This problem is fixed.


Previously, if a ternary expression contained a constant, the coverage instrumentor failed to correctly determine the instrumentation position and completed the test run with an internal error. This problem is fixed.


Previously, during an Ada unit test, post processing of a complex Data Description Type (DDT) file might fail that results in errors such as TestRT-F-LEXERRTDC and TestRT-E-BADRODFIL. This problem is fixed.


Previously, when the server had only one license, the checkout process for that license occasionally failed. This problem is fixed.


Previously, when you analyzed a package separately from another package by using Ada source code parser attolstartAda. The parser generated all the services for procedures in all sub-packages that resulted in the creation of large PTU files. This problem is fixed.


Previously, documentation for the launcher attolcc (C and C++ Instrumentation Launcher) and for attolcc4 (C and C++ Instrumentor) was not updated. This problem is fixed.


Previously, the Coverage C++ instrumentor (attolcc4) failed when the analyzed files included Visual Studio 2019 C++ header files. This problem is fixed.


Previously, when you used the FORMAT instruction to format a 64-bit integer in a field of structured variables, the instruction failed to apply the specified format and displayed the value in the decimal format. This problem is fixed.


Previously, when you included a VAR instruction with an expression in a PTU file that contained a shift operator, for example, 277<<22, the post processor failed to generate the report. This problem is fixed.

Defects fixed in earlier versions

You can find information about the defects fixed in each of the following versions:

Defects fixed in 8.3.2

The defects fixed in HCL OneTest Embedded 8.3.2 are as follows:

Table 2. List of fixes in 8.3.2




When you ran a test suite, the Control Coupling and the Worst Stack Size reports were not generated.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, HCL OneTest Embedded incorrectly calculated the essential type for the enum constants.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, the essential type calculation on the enum constant was incorrect if the enum type declaration had no name.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, Rule 10.3.2 was applied incorrectly on pointers during a Code Review.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, for the rule M15.4, if there was a switch/case statement in a loop (for / do while / while), the break instructions relative to the switch/case was counted as a break in the loop.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, when you used a custom Boolean type constant the essential type was incorrectly calculated.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, HCL OneTest Embedded incorrectly performed Rule M10.1.1 checks on the preprocessing expressions.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, the preprocessor of System Test crashed when displaying a variable that was declared as an enum. This problem is fixed.


Previously, the count of the statement metric was incorrect for the atostart4.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, attolstartC crashed on displaying a specific syntax error message.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, the GNAT compiler failed to include the subdirectories specified under [myPath]/** when working in Studio or Ada. This problem is fixed. The notation [myPath]/** that is used by the GNAT compiler to specify the subdirectories is extended for C/C++.


Previously, when you used the #h format in a .ptu file, the postprocessor generated a result with insignificant digits.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, the preferences were not saved in attolstudio2.ini file if it existed or the attolstudio2.ini file was not created if it did not exist. This problem is fixed.


Previously, there was no documentation about the command line of the HTML report generator. This problem is fixed.


Previously, when you generated the Control Coupling report for the top node of the project explorer in Studio, the report did not display any data.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, the '\xff' character in a C comment was incorrectly identified as an End Of File character. This problem is fixed.

Defects fixed in 8.3.1

The defects fixed in HCL OneTest Embedded 8.3.1 are as follows:

Table 3. List of fixes in 8.3.1




Previously, attolcc4 might have taken a longer time to process a corelation between macros in the source file (.c) and the preprocessed file (.i).

This problem is fixed.



Previously, in HCL OneTest Embedded, when a custom rule was used, a syntax error occurred in the generated perl file.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, code review linker tool (crcld) took a very long time or crashed without any significant message in case of complex combination of files that are mutually inclusive.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, if you customized the confrule file, and then ran a code review with a new version of One Test Embedded, the rule raised is in the format 'CRC_XX_YYY' instead of 'Rule MX.Y'.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, HCL OneTest Embedded incorrectly identified the type of enum initialized with a casted constant when you ran a Code Review.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, the crcld ignored the edited parameters in the confrule file for some rules and did not raise the rule.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, on windows, attolcc4 incorrectly displayed a fatal error when trying to match the short and long DOS file names.

This problem is fixed.

Now, attolcc4 displays a message and not a fatal error.


Previously, HCL OneTest Embeddedincorrectly applied rules E15.4 and M15.6.6. in the MISRA C 2012.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, when you used the Studio command line to export an html report, HCL OneTest Embedded Studio disregarded the value provided for the html report.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, the code review source code analysis failed due to an implicit cast of the pointer to an internal error.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, when you ran the Code Review, HCL OneTest Embedded incorrectly raised Rule 10.1.1 when pointers were initialized with ‘0’.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, on RedHat 7, the Call Graph in Eclipse IDE did not correctly display the links and colors.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, the rod2xrd binary crashes if the rod file was too large as a result of running a large test.

This problem is fixed.

Defects fixed in 8.3.0

The defects fixed in HCL OneTest Embedded 8.3.0 are as follows:

Table 4. List of fixes in 8.3.0




Requirement link: Should add http:// or https:// when required


Control coupling HTML report - bad display in internal eclipse browser.


Too much information in the 'output window' made the user interface 'studio' crash. Workaround: Set the environment variable TESTRT_LOGFILE to point to a file in which all the login information was diverted.


When opening all the reports in Studio, the process tries to open nonexisting reports.


The settings 'Additional included system directories' is not taken into account in Code Review.

This problem is fixed.