C Test Script Language


The STUB instruction for C describes all calls to a simulated function in a test script.


STUB [<stub_name>.] <function> [<call_range> =>] ([<param_val> {, <param_val> }]) [<return_val>] {, [<call_range> =>] ([<param_val> {, <param_val> }]) [<return_val>] }


The following is described for every parameter of this function and for every expected call:

  1. For _in parameters, the values passed to the function; these values will be stored and then tested during execution,

    For _out parameters and, where appropriate, the return value, the values returned by the function; these values will be stored in order to be returned during execution,

    For _inout parameters, both the previous two values are required,

    For _no parameters, any parameter is ignored.

The optional <call_range> describes one or several successive calls as follows:

<call_num> =>

<call_num> .. <call_num> =>

others =>

where <call_num> is the number of the stub call. The keyword others specifies the behavior of any further calls that have not been described. A <call_num> value of 0 means that no calls are expected to the stub. For example, the following line specifies that test will pass if there are 0 or more calls to the stub:

STUB close_file others=>(5)1

Moreover, you can use others to specify that the calls are optional. Combining others with a list of call numbers, enables you to check the minimum number of calls. For example, the following line specifies that test will pass if there are at least 4 calls to the stub:

STUB close_file 1=>(3)1, 2..4=>(4)1, others=>(5)1

If <call_range> is not specified, then the next call number is assumed. For example, the following lines specify that the test will pass if there are 2 calls to the stub:

STUB open_file ("file1")3

STUB open_file ("file2")4

<function> is the name of the simulated function. It is obligatory. You must previously have described this function in a DEFINE STUB ... END DEFINE STUB block. You can specify in which stub (<stub_name>) the declaration was made.

<param_val> is an expression describing the test values for _in parameters and the returned values for _out parameters. For _inout parameters, <param_val> is expressed in the following way:

( <in_param_val> , <out_param_val> )

<return_val> is an expression describing the value returned by the function if its type is not void. Otherwise, no value is provided.

You must give values for every _in, _out and _inout parameter; otherwise, a warning message is generated. You must not give a value for any _no parameters; otherwise, a warning message is generated.

<param_val> and <return_val> are expressions that can contain:

  • Numeric (integer or floating-point), character, or character string literal values. Strings can be delimited by single or double inverted commas

  • Constants which can be numeric, characters, or character strings

  • Constants defined in the test script

  • Variables belonging to the test program or the module to be tested

  • C functions

  • The keyword NIL to designate a null pointer

  • Pseudo-variables I, I1, I2 ..., J, J1, J2 ..., where I n is the current index of the nth dimension of the parameter and J m the current number of the subtest generated by the test scenario's mthINIT IN, INIT FROM or LOOP; the I and I1 variables are therefore equivalent as are J and J1; the subtest numbers begin at 1 and are incremented by 1 at each iteration

  • An expression with one or more of the above elements combined using any of the C operators (+, -, *, /, %, &, |, ^, &&, ||, <<, >>) and casting, with all required levels of parentheses, and conforming to C rules of syntax and semantics, the + operator being allowed to concatenate character string variables

  • For arrays and structures, a list of expressions between braces ('{' and '}') or brackets ('[' and ']') with, where appropriate:

    • For an array element, part of an array or a structure field, its index, interval or name followed by '=>' and by the value of the array element, common to all elements of the array portion or structure field
    • The keyword others (written in lower case) followed by '=>' and the default value of any array elements or structure fields not yet mentioned.

You must describe at least one call in the STUB instruction. There can be several descriptions, separated by commas (','). STUB instructions can appear in ELEMENT or ENVIRONMENT blocks.

Type Modifier '@' Syntax

In a STUB definition you can use a @ before a type modifier to indicate that this type modifier should not be used when generating variable that test the correct execution of STUBs.

Without the @ symbol, the variables are of const int type and therefore are not modified by the test harness.


STUB read_file (3,"line 1")1, (3,"line 2")1, (3,"")0

STUB write_file (4,"line 1")1, (4,"line 2")1

STUB close_file 1=>(3)1, 2..4=>(4)1, others=>(5)1