C Code Review Linker - crcld

The C Code Review Linker links and analyzes the files produced by the C Code Review Compiler (crccc) for code review static analysis. It produces a .crc code review file that can be displayed in HCL DevOps Test Embedded (Test Embedded).


crcld <xob>[ <xob>] -CRC=<output> [<options>]


  • <xob> is the name of the object file generated by the Code Review Compiler.

  • <output> is the generated .crc code review report file.


The C Code Review Compiler fits into your compilation sequence with minimal changes.


Command line options can be abbreviated to their shortest unambiguous number of characters and are not case-sensitive.


Specifies the code review rule configuration file. A default internal configuration rule set is used as the default rule.


Disables the verification of undefined symbols when using the code review link checker in test mode from Test Embedded. So some of the MISRA rules are not verified. To verify these rules, they must be directly run from an application node in Test Embedded.

[-JSON=<json file name.json>]

Generate a json report. This option needs -json option. Generated file is <json file name.html>

[-TEMPLATE=<template file name>]

Generate an html report. needs -json option. Generated file is <json file name.html>


Display crcld version and exit.


Display only <number> of failed rules on console (no impact in final report).

if <number> is not provided, the default value is 0.

[-XREF=<xref file name>]

Generate a cross reference file in perl format that include files, types, variables and functions.

Used for custom rules and for checking the names.

[-HEADER=<header file name>]

Set a header file that is to be included in final report.


List of rules that are not verified when the code review is run in a test mode with the link checker:


    • Rule M8.7: Global object should not be declared if they are used only from within a single function.

    • Rule M8.9.2: The global object or function <name> must have exactly one external definition. No definition found.

    • Rule M8.10.1: The global object <name> that is used only within the same file should be declared using the static storage-class specifier.

    • Rule M8.10.2 : The global function <name> that is used only within the same file must be declared using the static storage-class specifier.

    • Rule E8.51: The object <name> is never referenced.

    • Rule E16.50: The function <name> is never referenced.


  • M8.9: An object must be defined at block scope if its identifier only appears in a single function

  • E8.10: The global object or function <name> must have exactly one external definition. No definition found.

  • M8.7.1 : Global object <name> that is only used within the same file must be declared using the static storage-class specifier.

  • M8.7.2: Global function <name> that is only used within the same file must be declared using the static storage-class specifier.

  • E8.12: The object <name> is never referenced.

  • M2.2.2: The function <name> is never referenced.


crcld object.xob main.xob -crc=main.crc

Related Topics

Code review overview | Running a code review | C Code Review Compiler - crccc