Debugging instructions for Engineering Test Management adapter

You need to configure the property file in HCL DevOps Test Embedded (Test Embedded) to update the debug log-in instructions for the use of the IBM® Engineering Test Management (ETM) adapter.

Before you begin

You must have administration rights to edit the or log4j2.xml file.


  1. Browse to Test Embedded installation files: <install location>/RQMAdapter/TestRTAdapter/.
  2. Proceed as follows depending on the version of Test Embedded that you are using:
    • For an integration of Engineering Test Management with Test Embedded up to version 8.3.1:
      1. Edit the file.
        In the file, you find the following lines (lines 28 to 30): 
      2. Uncomment the two first lines (lines 28 and 29) and comment out the last one (line 30) as follows: 
    • For an integration of Engineering Test Management (ETM) with Test Embedded9.0.0:
      1. Edit the log4j2.xml file.
        In the log4j2.xml file, you find the following lines (lines 40 to 45):
        <Logger name="" level="INFO"/>
        <Logger name="" level="INFO"/>
        <Logger name="" level="ERROR"/>
        <Logger name="" level="INFO"/>
      2. Uncomment the first line and update the uncommented lines as follows:
        <Logger name="" level="DEBUG"/>
        <Logger name="" level="INFO"/>
        <Logger name="" level="ERROR"/>
        <Logger name="" level="DEBUG"/>