Planning the installation

After verifying hardware, software, and user privilege requirements, plan the features and software that you want to install.

Planning features

You can customize your product by selecting which features to install.

When you install the product package by using IBM® Installation Manager, the installation wizard displays the features in the available product package. From the features list, you can select which to install. A default set of features is selected for you (including any required features). Installation Manager automatically enforces any dependencies between features and prevents you from clearing any required features.
Tip: After you finish installing the package, you can still add or remove features from your software product by running the Modify Packages wizard in Installation Manager.

Planning compilers

During the installation process, the product scans your system for existing compilers. It is important that all compilers and development environments that you plan to use with Test Embedded are installed beforehand.

Note: If you plan to use Test Embedded on Windows with Microsoft Visual Studio, you must install Visual Studio and run it at least once before installing Test Embedded to correctly initialize the Windows registry database. See Support for Microsoft Visual Studio