Modifying Configurations

Configurations are based on the Target Deployment Ports (TDP) that are specified when you create a new project. In fact, a Configuration contains basic Configuration Settings for a given TDP applied to a project, plus any node-specific overridden settings.

Remember that although a project can use multiple Configurations, as well as multiple TDPs, there must always be at least one active Configuration.

When you create a new configuration, the settings are initialized using the default settings of the TDP.

Configuration Settings are a main characteristic of the project and can be individually customized for any single node in the Project Explorer.

To create a new Configuration for a Project:

  1. From the Project menu, select Configurations.

  2. In the Configurations dialog box, click the New... button.

  3. Enter a Name for the Configuration.

  4. Select the Target Deployment Port to be used to create the Configuration.

  5. Enter the Hostname, Address and Port of the machine on which the Target Deployment Port is to be compiled.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click Close.

To remove a Configuration from a Project:

If you choose to remove a Configuration, all custom settings for that Configuration will be lost.

  1. From the Project menu, select Configurations.

  2. In the Configurations dialog box, select the Configuration to be removed.

  3. Click the Remove button.

  4. Click Yes to confirm the removal of the Configuration

To copy an existing Configuration:

This can be useful if you want several Configurations, with different custom settings, based on a unique Target Deployment Port.

  1. From the Project menu, select Configurations.

  2. In the Configurations dialog box, select an existing Configuration.

  3. Click the Copy To... button

  4. Enter a Name for the new Configuration.

  5. Click OK.

Related Topics

Opening the Target Deployment Port Editor | About Configuration Settings | Selecting Configurations | Target deployment port overview