Component Testing Settings for C and Ada

The Component Testing settings are part of the Component Testing for C and Ada node of the Configuration Settings dialog box, which allows you to configure settings for each node.

By default, the settings of each node are inherited from those of the parent node. When you override the settings of a parent node, changes are propagated to all child nodes within the same Configuration. Overridden fields are displayed in bold.

Test Script Compiler

  • Intermediate test result file name (.rio): Specifies the filename of the files produced during test execution. Changing this setting will modify the name of the intermediate .rio file, the tester (.c in C or .adb in Ada), and the generated main procedure/package name (in Ada).

  • Continue test build despite warnings: Select this option to ignore warning during the test compilation phase.

  • Break on error: Select this option to call a breakpoint function whenever a test failure occurs in a .ptu Test Driver script. To use this feature, you must set a breakpoint on the function priv_check_failed (), located in the <target_deployment_port> /lib/priv.c, file. You can use this option for debugging purposes.

  • Authorize stubbing: This setting determines the conditional generation of code in the test program when using SIMUL blocks in the .ptu test script.

  • Allow stubbing of module functions:Set this option to Yes to allow stubbing of functions that are in the same source file as the functions under test.

  • Enable additional options: Set this option to Yes if you want to specify additional command line options. In most cases this should be set to No.

  • Additional options: Use this setting to specify extra command line options. In most cases this should be empty.

  • Test point name (for Ada only): Entry point for the test program. The default entry point is ATTOL_TEST.

  • Test point packages (for Ada only): List of packages containing the test program entry point.

Report generator

  • Display variables: lets you select the level of detail of the Component Testing output report:

    • Collapse tests: collapses 'test loop' and 'init in' tests into one block.

    • Incorrect: shows only incorrect variables.

    • Only for failed tests: shows all variables for failed tests."

  • Displays initial and expected values: the way in which the values assigned to each variable are displayed in the report. See Initial and Expected Values.

  • Display arrays and structures: indicates the way in which Component Testing processes variable array and structure statements. See Array and Structure Display for more information.

  • Generate report without coverage: This setting hides coverage information in the Component Testing Report.

  • Generate graphics report: This setting generates a graphics report when value arrays are produced by loop, for and init in statements.

  • Max tests per report: When large reports are generated, this option allows you to split the results into multiple report files that contain the specified number of tests.

  • Compare two test runs: This setting activates the comparison option. See Comparing C Test Reports or Comparing Ada Test Reports.

  • Enable additional options: Set this option to Yes if you want to specify additional command line options. In most cases this should be set to No.

  • Additional options: Use this setting to specify extra command line options. In most cases this should be empty.

Related Topics

About Configuration Settings | Stub Simulation Overview