Configuring Virtual Testers

System Testing for C

The Virtual Tester Configuration dialog box allows you to create and configure a set of Virtual Testers that can be deployed for System Testing.

To open the Virtual Test Configuration dialog box:

  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click a .pts test script.

  2. From the pop-up menu, select Virtual Tester Configuration.

Note The Virtual Tester Configuration box is also included as part of the System Testing Wizard when you are setting up a new activity.

Virtual Tester List

Use the Virtual Tester List to create a New Virtual Tester, Remove or Copy an existing one.

Select a Virtual Tester in the Virtual Tester List to apply any changes in the property tabs on the right.

General Tab

This tab specifies an instance and target deployment to be assigned to the selected Virtual Tester.

  • VT Name: This is the name of the Virtual Tester currently selected in the Virtual Tester List. The name of the virtual tester must be a standard C identifier.

  • Implemented INSTANCE: Use this box to assign an instance, defined in the .pts test script, to the selected virtual tester. This information is used for Virtual Tester deployment. Select Default to specify the instance during deployment.

  • Target: This specifies the Target Deployment Port compilation parameters for the selected Virtual Tester.

  • Configure Settings: This button opens the Configuration Settings dialog for the selected Virtual Tester node.

Scenario Tab

Use this tab to select one or several scenarios as defined in the .pts test script. During execution, the Virtual Tester plays the selected scenarios.

Family Tab

Use this tab to select one or several families as defined in the .pts test script. During execution, the Virtual Tester plays the selected families.

Related Topics

About Virtual Testers | About Configuration Settings | Deploying Virtual Testers