Releasing LOB space in MySQL or Maria databases

You can release the large object (LOB) storage in the MySQL or Maria databases.

Before you begin

Consider the following points when you plan an upgrade:
  • You might be able to avoid the downtime by running the alter table statement before you upgrade:
    alter table vc_persistent_record modify persistent_data longtext null, add compessed_data longblob null, lock=none
    If this command fails, an online change of the table before upgrade isn't possible with your version of MySQL. Downtime is required during the upgrade.
  • Based on the MySQL version you are using, the upgrade or pre-upgrade table change temporarily uses additional space to rebuild the table.
  • For bext results, run the statement on a table clone to estimate the upgrade time.
  • Use the alter table command only if the table does not include a compressed_data column.

About this task

Release LOB storage for MySQL and Maria databases using the following steps:


  1. Set the versioned_config.upgrade.enabled=true property in the conf/server/ file.
  2. Restart the HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy) server.
  3. Check on the progress of the conversion:
    select count(*) from vc_persistent_record where persistent_data is not null

    The compression process is complete when the row count reported by the query is 0.

  4. Check the database size:
    select table_schema, sum((data_length+index_length)/1024/1024) AS MB from information_schema.tables group by 1
  5. Compress the database table.
    • Use the optimize statement for MySQL v5.6 and later, and MariaDB v10.0 and later:
      optimize table vc_persistent_record

      See the MySQL documentation about using the optimizing statement:

    • For all other versions of MySQL, complete these steps:
      1. Backup your database:
        mysqldump -h hostname -u username -p password --databases dbname > ~/mysql-backup.sql
      2. Create a new database and restore the old database:
        mysql -h hostname -u username -p password < mysql-backup.sql
      Note: The backup and restore must be done when the system is offline to prevent loss of new data while restoring.

What to do next

  1. Verify that the space is reduced:
    select table_schema, sum((data_length+index_length)/1024/1024) AS MB from information_schema.tables group by 1
  2. Set the versioned_config.upgrade.enabled parameter back to false in the conf/server/ file.