
Update the basic settings of an environment template


udclient [global-args...] [global-flags...]
  updateEnvironmentTemplate [parameters] [JSON file]


Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
environmentTemplate string true ID of the environment template


This command takes a JSON request string or file. Use the following template for the request:
  "applicationTemplateId": "ID of the application template 
  to which the environment template belongs",
  "cleanupCountToKeep": "Number of most recently deployed 
  versions to keep (Optional)",
  "cleanupDaysToKeep": "Number of days to keep versions 
  deployed to this environment (Optional)",
  "color": "HTML color code for the environment template",
  "description": "description of the template (Optional)",
  "environmentType": "type of environment, leave blank for 
  Standard Environment",
  "exemptProcessesArray": "An array of process Ids. These 
  processes will be exempt from approvals for this 
  environment (Optional).",
  "externalApprovalAgent": "Name or id of agent to run 
  external approval processes on (Optional).",
  "externalApprovalAgentPool": "Name or id of agent pool 
  to run external approval processes on (Optional).",
  "externalApprovalProcess": "Name or id of external 
  approval process(Optional).",
  "historyCleanupDaysToKeep": "Number of days to keep 
  application process history for this environment 
  "lockSnapshots": "Whether snapshots will be locked when 
  deployed to this environment (Optional)",
  "name": "name of the environment template",
  "noSelfApprovals": "When this option is selected, users 
  that submit deployment requests cannot approve their own 
  requests (Optional)",
  "requireApprovals": "Whether approvals will be required 
  "requireSnapshot": "If enabled, all deployments must use 
  a snapshot instead of loose versions (Optional)",
  "resourceTemplate": "ID of the resource template to use",
  "snapshotDaysToKeep": "Number of days to keep snapshots 
  deployed to this environment (Optional)",
  "snapshotLockType": "type of snapshot lock: ALL, 
  VERSIONS, CONFIGURATION (Required with \"lockSnapshots\"",
  "teamMappings": [
      "resourceRoleId": "Id of Resource Type to apply to 
  this team mapping (Optional, can specify either this or 
      "resourceRoleLabel": "Name of Resource Type to apply 
  to this team mapping (Optional, can specify either this or 
      "teamId": "ID of a team, either this field or 
  teamLabel are needed to specify a team",
      "teamLabel": "Name of the team to map the 
  environment to, either this field or teamId are needed to 
  specify a team"
  "useSystemDefaultDays": "Whether or not to use the 
  system default number of days to keep application process 
  history for this environment (Optional)"

Related REST command: Update the basic settings of an environment template.