Testing upgrades on a cloned on-prem installation

You can install a new HCL Launch server and then populate it with data from the production server.


  1. Create a host machine that is similar to your production server configuration.
    Note: The cloned server must not be an exact copy of your production environment, but is similar enough to test an upgrade.
  2. Install the same version of Java that the production host uses.
  3. Stop the production server.
  4. Clone the database:
    Contact your database administrators (DBAs) to clone the database. Your DBA must backup the existing database and restore it to a new database that can be accessed from the newly cloned HCL Launch server. If more assistance is needed than your DBA can provide, use your support case for assistance.
  5. Clone the application data (appdata) folder:
    The location of your appdata is defined by the server.appdata.dir property in the server's installed.properties file.
    Most application data folders are mount points to an external file system. If your application data folder is external to the HCL Launch server, clone the application data folder. Point your cloned HCL Launch server to the cloned application data folder to avoid using the application data folder of your production server.
    If your application data folder is large and you do not want to clone it for your test environment, you can skip cloning the application data folder and start a new one. If you chose not to clone the application data folder, no production component versions can be used nor can you view any production step output (both are stored in the application data folder). New component versions must be created to deploy.
    If you choose not to clone the application data folder, copy the other application data folder files like:
    • Custom email notification templates, if you want to test them after you upgrade the clone.
    • The plug-ins directory.
    • If you want to verify the clone's health before you perform an upgrade, copy the patches. During an upgrade, HCL Launch turns off any patches by appending ".off" to the patch name.
  6. If HCL Launch is configured to use S3 storage, which is available starting with v7.0.5, clone the S3 bucket if you want to use the same component versions artifacts as the production server.
    Note: You can skip this step if you prefer to create new component version artifacts.
  7. Start the production server.
  8. Transfer the HCL Launch installation files to the clone host.
    Place the JDBC driver JAR file that production is using into the clone system's lib/ext directory so that the same JDBC driver is used by the clone.
  9. Run the same HCL Launch version installer as your production server, choosing not to install the database.
    The installer prompts you to configure HCL Launch to use an application data folder. If you do not use an application data folder, this configuration is corrected in a later step.
  10. Copy the contents of the conf/encryption.keystore directory of the production server to the clone’s conf/encryption.keystore location.
    To handle the differences in encryption keys, you can either replace the clone’s encryption.keystore folder after installation with the production one.
  11. Modify the cloned database.
    1. For high availability (HA) configurations only:
      Remove the web cluster configuration from the database, if applicable, by deleting all the contents of the ds_server table. If you need assistance deleting the contents, contact your DBA.
      Note: Versions prior to 7.0.0 do not have a ds_server table.
    2. To stop automatic component version imports, run the following SQL to update the components in the database:
  12. If HCL Launch is configured to use S3 storage, which is available starting with v7.0.5, clone the S3 bucket if you want to use the same component versions artifacts as the production server.
    Note: You can skip this step if you prefer to create new component version artifacts.
  13. If you are not using an application data folder, replace the clone server's var directory with the production server's var directory.
    This replacement copies over files like the artifact repository and plug-ins. You can delete the application data folder that was created during the installation because the server does not use it.
  14. Start the clone server.
    Note: Use the machine IP address to access the HCL Launch UI for the next step.
  15. Make additional changes to the clone.
    1. Click Settings > System Settings from the web UI:
      • Set the External Agent URL and External User URL.

      • Remove the Mail Server Settings information.

    2. Delete any scheduled jobs from the calendar.
    3. Create new agents for testing.
      Although production agent information exists in the cloned database, the production agents show offline in the clone because the agents are configured to connect only to the production server. To test deployments after you upgrade, you have to create new agents for the cloned environment.
    4. To license the clone, contact your HCL sales representative to obtain a temporary license.