
The generic-manual-task step pauses the process until a manual approval is completed. This step is only valid in a generic process.


generic-manual-task step "foo" is
    -- users that can approve the task; required
    -- approval restriction to the deploying user
    restrict-approval-to deploying-user

    -- name of notification template; optional
    notification-template "TaskCompleted"

    -- require a user comment when approving the task; optional
    -- default is false
    comment-required true

    -- the prompt for a user comment when approving the task; optional
    comment-prompt "Enter reason"

    -- property-definition establishes a property definition; optional, repeatable

    -- a text property definition with all options
    property-definition p1-text is text with
        -- label for the property definition; optional
        -- common to all property defintion types
        label "p1-label"

        -- description for the property definition; optional
        -- common to all property defintion types
        description "p1-description"

        -- regex pattern for the property definition's property values; optional
        -- an empty pattern is equivalent to ".*"
        -- common to all property defintion types
        pattern "p1-pattern-.*"

        -- a value is required for property defined by this property definition; optional
        -- common to all property defintion types
        required true

        -- default value for text properties created by this property definition; optional
        default "p1-pattern-default"

    -- a text property definition with no options
    property-definition p2-text-simple is text

    -- a text area property definition with all options
    property-definition p3-textarea is text-area with
        -- common options; optional
        label "p3-label"
        description "p3-description"
        pattern ".*"
        required true

        -- default value for text area properties created by this property definition; optional

    -- a text area property definition with no options
    property-definition p4-textarea-simple is text-area

    -- a text area property definition with all options
    property-definition p5-secure is secure with
        -- common options; optional
        label "p5-label"
        description "p5-description"
        pattern "p5-pattern-.*" -- currently, patterns for secure properties do not function properly and their use is not recommended
        required true

        -- default value for secure properties created by this property definition; optional
        -- currently, default values for secure properties do not function properly and their use is not recommended
        default "p5-pattern-default"

    -- a secure property definition with no options
    property-definition p6-secure-simple is secure

    -- a checkbox property definition with all options
    property-definition p7-checkbox is checkbox with
        -- common options; optional
        label "p7-label"
        description "p7-description"
        pattern "true|false"
        required true

        -- default value for checkbox properties created by this property definition; optional
        -- permitted values are 'true' or 'false'
        default true

    -- a checkbox property definition with no options
    property-definition p8-checkbox-simple is checkbox

    -- a date-time property definition with all options
    property-definition p9-datetime is date-time with
        -- common options; optional
        label "p9-label"
        description "p9-description"
        pattern ""
        required true

        -- default value for date-time properties created by this property definition; optional
        -- time is specified as milliseconds from 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
        default millis 1594814965125

    -- a date-time property with an xml schema format default value
    property-definition p10-datetime-xml is date-time with
        -- default value for date-time properties created by this property definition; optional
        -- time is format is specified at
        default xml "2000-01-20T12:00:00+12:00"

    -- a date-time property definition with no options
    property-definition p11-datetime-simple is date-time

    -- a select property definition with all options
    -- at least one value must be supplied
    -- at most one value may be selected as the default value
    property-definition p12-select is select of
        -- a possible value in for the property; optional, repeatable
        value "p12-value1"

        -- a value with an optional label
        value "p12-value2" as "Value 2"

        -- a value with a label and optionally selected as the default value
        value "p12-value3" as "Value 3" selected
        -- common otptions; optional
        label "p12-label"
        description "p12-description"
        pattern "p12-value.*"
        required true

    -- a select property definition with an unlabeled value selected as the default and no common options
    property-definition p13-select-default-unlabeled is select of
        value "p13-value1" selected
        value "p13-value2"
        value "p13-value3"

    -- a select property definition with no options
    property-definition p14-select-simple is select of
        value p14-value1
        value p14-value2
        value p14-value3

    -- a multi-select property definition with all options
    -- a date-time property definition with all options
    -- one or more values may be selected as the default value
    property-definition p15-multiselect is multi-select of
        -- a possible value in for the property; optional, repeatable
        value "p15-value1"

        -- a value with a label and optionally selected as one of the default values
        value "p15-value2" as "Value 2" selected

        -- a value with a label and optionally selected as a second default value
        value "p15-value3" as "Value 3" selected
        -- common options; optional
        label "p15-label"
        description "p15-description"
        pattern "p15-value.*"
        required true

    -- a select property definition with an unlabeled values selected as the defaults and no common options
    property-definition p16-multiselect-default-unlabeled is multi-select of
        value "p16-value1" selected
        value "p16-value2" selected
        value "p16-value3"

    -- a select property definition with a single unlabeled value selected as the default and no common options
    property-definition p17-multiselect-one-default is multi-select of
        value "p17-value1" selected
        value "p17-value2"
        value "p17-value3"

    -- a multi-select property definition with no options
    property-definition p18-multiselect-simple is multi-select of
        value "p18-value1"
        value "p18-value2"
        value "p18-value3"
on success

generic-manual-task step "bar" is
    -- approval restricted to certain users and groups
    -- if present, at least one user or group must be supplied
    restrict-approval-to identities
        -- list of approving users; optional
        -- if present, at least one user must be listed
        users of
            -- a user that can approve; repeatable
            user Alice

        -- list of approving groups; optional
        -- if present, at least one group must be listed
        groups of
            -- a group that can approve; repeatable
            group DevOpsTeam


Table 1. Manual Application Task properties
Field Description
Name The name for the manual task.
Only Allow Deploying User To Complete Restrict approval to the user who started the deployment.
Notification Template Specify a notification template. The individual tasks map to the notification scheme used by the application (see Creating Notifications in a Notification Scheme). If you do not want notifications created for the task, select None.
Properties Optionally, add one or more properties to the task.
Require Comment Select to require that users must add a comment about this manual task.
Comment Prompt
Note: This field applies only to generic process steps.
Enter the text that requests users to add a comment about this manual task.


start is
    start A
    start B
    start C
    start D

generic-manual-task step A is
    restrict-approval-to deploying-user

    notification-template template1
    comment-required true
    comment-prompt "comment-prompt1"

    property-definition p1-text is text with
        label "p1-label"
        description "p1-description"
        pattern "p1-pattern-.*"
        required true
        default "p1-pattern-default"
on success

generic-manual-task step B is
    restrict-approval-to identities
        users of
            user user1
            user user2
        groups of
           group group1
           group group2

    comment-prompt "comment-prompt2"
on success

generic-manual-task step C is
    restrict-approval-to identities
        users of
            user user3
            user user4

    comment-required true
on success

generic-manual-task step D is
    restrict-approval-to identities
        groups of
            group group3
            group group4
on success