Create a user


PUT https://{hostname}:{port}
Accept: application/json
Table 1. Header parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
Accept application/json true
This command takes a JSON request string or file. Use the following template for the request:
  "authenticationRealm": "Authentication realm ID",
  "email": "Email address",
  "name": "User name",
  "password": "Password"

Example JSON request

  "name": "jsmith",
  "password": "password",
  "actualName": "Jane Smith",
  "email": "",
  "authenticationRealm": "Internal Security"

Example response

  "id": "2507eaaf-c98e-46ee-936d-bc538bee9dc4",
  "name": "jsmith",
  "actualName": "Jane Smith",
  "displayName": "Jane Smith (jsmith)",
  "email": "",
  "deleted": false,
  "deletedDate": 0,
  "authenticationRealm": "20000000000000000000000000000001",
  "isLockedOut": false,
  "isDeletable": true

Related CLI command: createUser.