Update an application template


PUT https://{hostname}:{port}
Accept: application/json
Table 1. Request parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
applicationTemplate string true The name or ID of an existing application template
Table 2. Header parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
Accept application/json true
This command takes a JSON request string or file. Use the following template for the request:
  "description": "Application template description 
  "enforceCompleteSnapshots": "Specify true to require an 
  explicit version for each component",
  "name": "Application template name",
  "notificationScheme": "Notification scheme (Optional)",
  "tagRequirements": [
      "name": "Name of the Component tag",
      "number": "Number of components for the tag",
      "type": "GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN, or EQUALS"
    " (Optional)"
  "teamMappings": [
      "resourceRoleId": "Id of Resource Type to apply to 
  this team mapping (optional, can specify either this or 
      "resourceRoleLabel": "Name of Resource Type to apply 
  to this team mapping (optional, can specify either this or 
      "teamId": "ID of a team, either this field or 
  teamLabel are needed to specify a team",
      "teamLabel": "Name of the team to map the 
  environment to, either this field or teamId are needed to 
  specify a team"
    " (Optional)"

Related CLI command: updateApplicationTemplate.