Using the ClearQuest OSLC REST interface with ClearCase UCM

ClearCase® UCM users can use ClearQuest® UCM integrations that use the ClearQuest OSLC REST API. For information about the ClearQuest OSLC REST API, refer to ClearQuest documentation.

Supported client types

Use of the OSLC REST interface is supported by
  • Native ClearCase clients such as cleartool and ClearCase Explorer.
  • The Change Management Integration (CMI), which supports configuring ClearCase with various task providers, including ClearQuest; refer to Administering and using CMI task-provider integrations for more information.

Connecting to ClearQuest

To specify the connection to the ClearQuest OSLC REST API (a web URL connection), use the crmregister command. By specifying a web URL connection, you configure the integration to use the implementation for all ClearQuest-enabled UCM Projects that use the specified ClearQuest database.

Supported features

The OSLC REST interface supports the following features:
  • Listing activities. On ClearCase Explorer, the My Activities list can be displayed through the activity dropdown in a checkout dialog. The list is generated by running the query, UCMCustomQuery1. (Only the default version of this query is supported: customization of UCMCustomQuery1 in Personal Queries or Public Queries/UCMSystemQueries is not supported.) Only assigned ClearQuest records that have their UCM Project field set are displayed. This field is set by a cleartool setactivity operation or when a ClearQuest record is assigned to a user.
  • Setting activities. Use cleartool setactivity to enable work on a specified ClearQuest record. You can also set an activity in a ClearCase GUI, such as when selecting an activity in the dropdown of a Checkout, Checkin, or Add to source control dialog. If a required field is missing, however, the operation fails and you must use ClearQuest client to specify values for the required fields.
  • Delivering and Rebasing. These operations are supported by cleartool and the GUIs.
  • The Transition-to-Complete-After-Delivery Policy. When enabled, this policy transitions ClearQuest records to the Complete state type after delivery. If a required field is missing, however, the operation fails and you must use ClearQuest client to specify values for the required fields.
  • Other supported ClearQuest policies:
    • Perform ClearQuest Action Before Delivery
    • Perform ClearQuest Action After Delivery
    • Perform ClearQuest Action Before Work On
    • Transition To Complete After Changing Activity
  • Changing activity headlines. You can use the cleartool chactivity -headline command or the ClearCase GUIs to change an activity headline.
  • Moving change set activities. You can use either cleartool chactivity -fcset src-activity-selector -tcset dest-activity-selector or the ClearCase GUIs.
  • Viewing and changing ClearQuest Project policies. You can display the project policies using cleartool lsproject or the ClearCase Project Explorer. Only the Project Explorer supports policy modifications.
  • Enabling or disabling a UCM Project. This operation can be performed using the cleartool chproject command or the ClearCase Project Explorer GUI.
  • Displaying ClearQuest record state and ID information. Use cleartool describe -long activity-selector.
  • Deleting UCM activities. Use cleartool rmactivity or the ClearCase Project Explorer