DevOps Code ClearCase pop-up menu

The DevOps Code ClearCase® pop-up menu opens when you right-click DevOps Code ClearCase objects and view-private objects in DevOps ClearCase Explorer and Windows Explorer.

Locations and commands

The contents of the DevOps Code ClearCase pop-up menu (sometimes called the context menu) change depending on the location from which you right-click. The menu includes available commands and a Help command that describes your current context.

If the pop-up menu differs from what you expect

In some cases, the DevOps Code ClearCase pop-up menu that appears is different from what you are expecting. The following list includes the common variations and their causes:

  • In My Network Places or Network Neighborhood, the pop-up menu for a dynamic view begins with the command Start View.

    The view is not yet started. To use the view, start it. Then use ClearCase Explorer or Windows Explorer to navigate to the view.

  • Someone used the Context Menu Editor to change the contents of the menu.