Check-out cancellations

You can cancel check-outs of design artifacts (libraries, cells, cellviews) and non-design artifacts (property files, category files, and so on) by using the gdmcancel command or the Library Manager user interface.

Command-line interface command: gdmcancel


gdmcancel [ –cdslib filename ] [–recurse ]
[ –xtra str ] [ –help ]
[ –lib lib.cell:view/file ] [–file file ] ...


Use this command to cancel the checked-out status of files in the workarea. Co-managed files are always canceled as a group. Co-managed set behavior applies only to a view that is specified as a library entry, such as -lib lib.cell:view.


-cdslib <filename>
Use this argument to specify the library definition file to use for mapping library names to library directories.
Use the -recurse argument to select an entire directory hierarchy. For example, if a nonlibrary specification is a directory name, by default, the name refers only to the files that are immediately subordinate to the named directory. You use the -recurse argument to select the complete hierarchy.
-xtra <str>
Use the -xtra <str> argument so that you can specify more arguments that are specific to the design management cancel command. The -xtra arguments provide DevOps ClearCase-specific arguments that are passed directly to DevOps Code ClearCase®.
Note: The -xtra argument takes a string as the parameter. If the string includes a space, enclose the string in quotation marks (""). This argument enables additional arguments that are specific to the design management cancel command to be passed through gdmcancel to that command.
The following ClearCase specific flags are supported as part of the -xtra argument. The meaning of these flags is the same as defined in the DevOps Code ClearCase documentation.
  • -keep
    Use this option to override the default behavior of the checkout cancellation operation, keeping a view-private copy of the checked-out version of co-managed sets and individual files with the .keep extension.
  • -nsrfm
    Use this flag to cancel a checkout of a remotely mastered branch that was completed synchronously with a request for mastership (SRFM) of that branch. This option unsets the pending reserved state of the checkout that was set when the checkout –srfm command was issued.
The following DevOps Code ClearCase flags are supported by the cleartool uncheckout command, but they are not supported by the gdmcancel -xtra command.
  • -rm
    Redundant (this is the default).
-lib <lib.cell:view/file>
Library elements for which to cancel checkout. Names that are listed without -lib or -file are treated as -file arguments.
-file <file>
Files and directories (nonlibrary elements) for which to cancel checkout. Names that are listed without -lib or -file are treated as -file arguments.

User interface actions for canceling check-ins

  1. Select a file, library, cell, or cellview.
  2. Open the Design Manager menu, and then click Cancel Checkout.
  3. Right-click the file, library, cell, or view, and then click Cancel Checkout.
  4. In the dialog box, select and deselect the files. Select Use Options to specify ClearCase-specific options.
  5. From the Cancel Checkout dialog box, you can use the Filter option to enter regular expressions for selecting the cell view type.

Keeping a copy of a version during checkout cancellation

The .keep backup file is created when you set the environment variable CCASE_CDS_CANCEL_WITH_KEEP to TRUE and modify the file. If you enter -keep in the User Option text box of the Cancel Checkout dialog box, the .keep file is created irrespective of the file modifications. This configuration changes the default behavior of the Cancel Checkout operation. Instead of removing the view-private copy of the checked-out version of co-managed sets and individual files, a view-private copy with cellview_keep folder and .keep extension is retained.

The .keep file is not created when the environment variable CCASE_CDS_CANCEL_WITH_KEEP is not set or FALSE is set, irrespective of the file changes. When you enter the -rm option in the User Option text box of the Cancel Checkout dialog box, the .keep file is not created.

Note: When the -keep or -rm option is provided during the Checkout Cancellation, the default behavior of the operation is overridden.