Refine Merge Type

This command refines a nontrivial merge type.

After the find process is complete, you can refine nontrivial merge types by doing one of the following:

  • Click either Edit > Select to select some elements or Edit > Select All to select all elements. Then, click Merge > Refine Merge Type.
  • On Linux and the UNIX system, select and right-click an element and click Merge > Refine Merge Type.

    On the Windows system, right-click an element and click Merge > Refine Merge Type.

This function is useful if you have a large number of elements to merge and need information about the difficulty of the merge. The function reports, for elements that have a nontrivial merge type, whether the merges are automatic or manual. If a directory element is involved, the software checks out the directory, determines the merge type, and cancels the checkout of the directory.