View menu

The View menu commands are the following:

On the Windows system, clear to hide the toolbar or set to display the toolbar.
Show/Hide Toolbar
On Linux and the UNIX system, clear to hide the toolbar or set to display the toolbar.
Status Bar
On the Windows system, set to show the status bar at the bottom of the display area or clear to hide it.
Show/Hide Status Bar
On Linux and the UNIX system, set to show the status bar at the bottom of the display area or clear to hide it.
Sort Elements
Lets you sort the elements by the column headings in the Merge Manager display.
by Name
Lists elements alphabetically by name.
by Type
Lists elements according to element type.
by Merge Type
Lists elements according to their merge type.
by Merged
Lists elements according to whether the element is merged.
by Checked Out
Lists elements according to their checked-out state.
by From-user
Lists elements according to the user who last made changes to the element.
by Master Replica of Branch
Lists elements according to the master VOB replica of the destination branch (the branch to which the version will be merged).
by Base Version
Arranges the list alphabetically by the path of the base version.
by Source Version
Arranges the list alphabetically by the path of the source version.
Display Transcript (On Linux and the UNIX system only)
Opens the messages log.
Display search criteria
Displays the search criteria that you specify to the Find Wizard.
Display element log
Lists the log of messages for the selected element.
Opens the View Options window, which lets you hide or display columns. Choose column options and element name options.