To change the status of a checked-out version

About this task

The status of a checkout can be changed from reserved to unreserved or from unreserved to reserved. You cannot change an unreserved checkout to a reserved checkout if the version is checked out as reserved in another view. To change the status of a checkout, you can use the cleartool reserve or unreserve command in a command shell, or, on a Windows system only, you can also use DevOps ClearCase® Explorer or Windows Explorer.

To change the status of a checkout, do one of the following:
  • In a command shell, navigate to the view and enter the reserve or unreserve command, as follows:
    • cleartool reserve element-name
    • cleartool unreserve element-name

    For information about changing the status for checkouts in other views, and for more information about these commands, see the reserve or unreserve reference pages in the DevOps Code ClearCase Command Reference.

  • On Windows systems only, in the ClearCase Explorer Details pane, select a checked-out version and click either Tools > Reserve or Tools > Unreserve.
  • On Windows systems only, in Windows Explorer, perform the following procedure:
    1. Right-click a checked-out version. Then click ClearCase > Properties of Version.
    2. In the Properties window, on the General page, select or clear the Reserved check box and click OK.