To attach a new view to an existing stream

About this task

The process of attaching a new view to an existing stream is slightly different on the UNIX system or Linux than it is on a Windows system.
  • To attach a new view to an existing stream on the UNIX system or Linux:
    1. From a DevOps Code ClearCase® host, enter clearprojexp.
    2. In Project Explorer, select a stream from the list of projects.
    3. Right-click the stream and on the shortcut menu, click Create View.
    4. Complete the Create View window and click OK.
  • To attach a new view to an existing stream on Windows systems:
    1. In the Shortcut pane of DevOps ClearCase Explorer, click Toolbox. Then click UCM > Project Explorer.
    2. In Project Explorer, explore the list of projects and select a stream.
    3. Right-click the stream and on the shortcut menu, click Create View.
    4. In the Review Types of Views window, select either Create a development view, Create an integration view or both.
    5. In the Type area, select either Dynamic or Snapshot. If you chose to create both a development view and an integration view, select the type in both areas. The View Creation wizard creates the two views in the same pass.
    6. Click Next and complete the steps of the wizard. For more information, click Help in the View Creation wizard windows.