Loading resources into a ClearCase view

To access resources, you must load them into your ClearCase® view.

About this task

In this lesson, you will load your UCM tutorial VOB into your ClearCase view. The VOB must be loaded so that you can add files and directories to source control or to check them out.

To load resources:


  1. If you are using Eclipse, open the ClearTeam Explorer perspective.
  2. Connect to the ClearCase server. In the ClearTeam Navigator, select your development view, user_name_ccrctut_proj, and then click the connect to ClearCase icon (Connect) button in the toolbar. In the CCRC WAN server dialog box, type your password and click OK.
  3. Load the VOB.
    1. In the ClearTeam Navigator, expand My Views, expand your development view and find the tutorial VOB, user_name_ccrctut_pvob. If your VOB does not appear, you might need to change your element filter options by clicking the Eclipse view menu  icon icon on the toolbar and selecting Unloaded Public VOBs.
    2. Right-click the VOB, and select Load Resource.
    3. In the Load Resources dialog box, click Apply.


Your tutorial VOB is now loaded in your ClearCase view, and you can add files and directories to source control.