
Lists information about UCM activities



Command type


cleartool subcommand

ClearCase Remote Client

rcleartool subcommand






  • ClearCase—List information about UCM activities:
    lsact/ivity [ –s/hort | –l/ong | –fmt format-string
    | –anc/estor [ –fmt format-string ] [ –dep/th depth ] ]

    [ –obs/olete ] [ –inv/ob vob-selector | –in stream-selector-name [ –r/ecurse ]

    | activity-selector ... | [ [–cac/t | –me | –use/r username ]

    [ –vie/w view-tag | –cvi/ew ] ] ]

  • ClearCase—List activities or baselines that contributed to the change set of an integration activity:
    lsact/ivity –contrib activity-selector [...]

  • ClearCase—List CMI-provided tasks that are available for association with UCM activities:
    lsact/ivity –find [ -provider_name provider_name ]

    { –in stream-selector-name | –vie/w view-tag | –cvi/ew | activity-selector [...] }

  • ClearCase Remote Client—List information about UCM activities:
    lsact/ivity [ –s/hort | –l/ong | –anc/estor [ –dep/th depth ] ]

    [ –inv/ob vob-selector | –in stream-selector-name [ –r/ecurse ]

    | activity-selector ... | [ [–cac/t | –me | –use/r username ]

    [ –vie/w view-tag | –cvi/ew ] ] ]


The lsactivity command lists information about UCM activities.



Options and arguments

Specifying output format

A one-line summary of the activity.
Displays only the name of each activity.
Displays a detailed description of each activity.
–fmt format-string
Displays information in the format specified by format-string. See the fmt_ccase reference page.
–anc/estor [ –fmt format-string ] [ –dep/th depth ]
Displays the containing stream, parent streams if any, project, and folder for one or more activities. For information about the –fmt option, see the fmt_ccase reference page. The –depth option sets the number of levels displayed. The depth argument must be a positive integer.

Listing obsolete activities

Lists only nonobsolete activities.
Includes obsolete activities in the listing. Obsolete activities are those that have been processed with lock –obsolete.

Specifying the activity to list

–inv/ob vob-selector
Displays a list of all activities in the specified project VOB.
–in stream-selector [ –r/ecurse ]
Displays a list of all activities in the specified stream. With –r/ecurse, includes activities in child streams.
activity-selector ...
Specifies one or more activities to list.

You can specify an activity as a simple name or as an object selector of the form [activity]:name@vob-selector, where vob-selector specifies a project VOB (see the cleartool reference page). If you specify a simple name and the current directory is not a project VOB, this command assumes that the activity resides in the project VOB associated with the stream attached to the current view. If the current directory is a project VOB, that project VOB is the context for identifying the activity.

Displays information for the current activity.
Displays activities owned by the current user.
Displays activities owned by the specified user.
–vie/w view-tag
For the specified view, displays a list of all activities in its stream.
For the current view, displays a list of all activities in its stream.

Listing contributing activities or baselines for an integration activity

Displays information about the named activity.
–contrib activity-selector [ ... ]
Displays activities or baselines that contributed to the change set of an integration activity, which is created by a deliver or rebase operation. An error occurs if the specified activity is not an integration activity.

Listing CMI-provided tasks

Specifies that CMI-provided tasks are to be listed.
–provider-name provider_name
Specifies the task-provider's name as specified by mkcmprovider.


The UNIX system and Linux examples in this section are written for use in csh. If you use another shell, you might need to use different quoting and escaping conventions.

The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you might need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.

In cleartool single-command mode, cmd-context represents the UNIX system and Linux shells or Windows command interpreter prompt, followed by the cleartool command. In cleartool interactive mode, cmd-context represents the interactive cleartool prompt.

  • Display detailed information for an activity.

    cmd-context lsactivity -l fix_copyright
    activity "fix_copyright"
    2007-06-06T15:49:23 by Ken Tessier (ktessier.user@mymachine)
    owner: ktessier
    group: user
    stream: chris_webo_dev@/vobs/webo_pvob
    title: Fix copyright text
    change set versions:

  • Display a short description of the current activity. This is the currently set activity for the view from which the command was issued.
    cmd-context lsact -cact 
    2007-06-06T17:16:12  update_date  ktessier   "Update for new date convention"
  • List all RTC-provided tasks that can be associated with activity1.
    cmd-context lsactivity -find -provider RTCPROV activity1