To make a baseline for a set of activities


  1. In the DevOps Code ClearCase® Project Explorer, select the stream. Click Tools > Make Baseline. The Make Baseline window opens.
  2. If you have a baseline naming template set for the project, the Template Name field shows the name that will be used for the new baseline. Enter a name in the Base Name (Windows) or Baseline Title (Linux or the UNIX system) field only if the project does not have a baseline naming template set or the template includes the basename token. Otherwise, the Base Name or Baseline Title field does not appear in the Make Baseline window.
  3. Choose the type of baseline to create.
  4. Select a view context.

    The view must be attached to the stream in which you are making the baseline

  5. Click Activities and specify the activities that you want to go into the baseline.
    • Select a check box to include an activity or clear a check box to omit that activity.
    • Click Select All to include all activities in the list.
    • Click Unselect All to omit all activities in the list.
    • Select an activity and click Properties to see the property sheet of the activity.