Converting a VOB into a component

If you have an existing DevOps Code ClearCase® configuration, you can convert the existing VOBs or their directories into components so that you can include them in UCM projects. You can make a VOB into a component or organize the contents of a VOB into multiple components. If you make a directory tree within a VOB into a component, the new component contains the directory and all its subdirectories and files. The root directory of the component must be at or directly below the VOB root directory. If the root directory of the component is at the VOB root directory, that VOB cannot store multiple components.

After you convert an existing VOB or one of its directory trees into a component, to access the directories and files in that component, you must create a baseline from the set of versions identified by a label type. To create the baseline, you use the Import Label feature.

After you create the baseline, you can create the project and the integration view to use the new components.