About posted deliver operations

DevOps Code ClearCase® MultiSite is a product layered on DevOps Code ClearCase that supports parallel software development across geographically distributed project teams. If your project uses MultiSite, it may affect how developers perform deliver operations, and it may require that you, as project manager, complete some deliver operations.

To allow developers to work on the same VOB concurrently at different locations, VOB replicas are used in MultiSite. A replica is a copy of a VOB. Each location works on its own VOB replica. To avoid conflicts, an exclusive-right-to-modify scheme, called mastership, is used. Some VOB objects, such as streams, are assigned a mastering replica. The mastering replica has the exclusive right to modify or delete these objects.

In a MultiSite configuration where a team of developers works at a remote site, the project's integration stream may be mastered at a different replica than the developers' development streams. In this situation, the developers cannot complete deliver operations to the integration stream. When such a stream mastership situation is detected, the deliver operation starts but no versions are merged. Instead, the deliver operation is left in a posted state. As project manager, you must periodically find and complete posted deliver operations.