To install and use the type manager

About this task

After a type manager is fully tested, make it available to all users with the following procedure.


  1. Install the type manager.

    A VOB is a networkwide resource; it can be mounted on any DevOps Code ClearCase® host. But a type manager is a host resource: a separate copy must be installed on each host where DevOps Code ClearCase client programs run. If the copy is not installed, elements of the new type cannot be used. (It need not be installed on hosts that serve only as repositories for VOBs, views, or VOBs and views.)

    If the VOB is replicated, you must install the type manager at all sites. Custom type managers are not replicated.

    To install the type manager on a particular host, perform the following steps:

    1. Create a subdirectory in ccase-home-dir/lib/mgrs.
    2. Populate the subdirectory with the programs that implement the methods.
      You can create symbolic links across the network to a master copy on a server host.
  2. Create element types.
    Create one or more element types that use the type manager, as you did when you tested the type manager. (Do not include "test" in the name of the element type.) For example, you can name the element type manpage or nroff_src.
  3. Convert existing elements.

    Have at least a few existing elements use the new type manager. The chtype command changes an element type:

    force manpage
     path ... 

    Permission to change an element type is restricted to the element owner, the VOB owner, and the root user.

  4. Revise magic files.

    If you want the new element types to be used automatically for certain newly created elements, create (or update) a local.magic file in each host ccase-home-dir/config/magic directory:

    manpage src_file text_file file: -name "*.[1-9]" ;
  5. Inform the project team (and other teams, if appropriate).
    Advertise the new element types to all team members, describing the features and benefits of the new type manager. Be sure to provide directions on how to gain access to the new functionality automatically (through file names that match magic-file rules) and explicitly (with mkelem –eltype).