Example 2: changing directory organization, description, and output

This example shows changing the directory organization and report description, modifying the version path to a use different field name, and adding an element type column to report output for Elements_with_New_Versions_Since_Date.prl. The Elements with New Versions Since Date report lists all new versions for the path and since the date and time specified by the user. This report includes the following columns:
  • Element Path
  • Version Path
  • Version Creation Time
The changes to the report procedure do the following:
  • Display in the Report Builder tree pane a new directory named ccase-home-dir\Reports\Scripts\Elements\New_Versions directory.
  • Display a new report description: Types of Elements with New Versions Since Date.
  • Display the version path information in the version_xpn field in a different format.
  • Add a column in the report output to display a new column for Element Type.

The report procedure is located in ccase-home-dir\Reports\Scripts\Elements\Elements_with_New_Versions_Since_Date.pr.