Prevent use of certain commands

To control which users can execute certain commands on DevOps Code ClearCase® objects, you can create a pair of trigger types.

  • One type controls the use of the command on element-related objects
  • Another type controls the use of the command on type objects
Both trigger types use the –nuser flag to specify the users who are allowed to use the command.
Tip: You cannot use triggers to prevent a command from being used on an object that is not element related or a type object. For example, you cannot create a trigger type to prevent operations on VOB objects or replica objects.

For a list of commands that can be triggered, see the events_ccase and mktrtype reference pages.

For example, the following commands create two trigger types that prevent all users except stephen, hugh, and emma from running the chmaster command on element-related objects and type objects in the current VOB:

cleartool mktrtype –element –all –preop chmaster –nusers stephen,hugh,emma \
–execunix 'Perl –e "exit –1;"' –execwin 'ccperl –e "exit (–1);"' \
–c "ACL for chmaster" elem_chmaster_ACL
cleartool mktrtype –type –preop chmaster –nusers stephen,hugh,emma \ 
–execunix 'Perl –e "exit –1;"' –execwin 'ccperl –e "exit (–1);"' \ 
–attype –all –brtype –all –eltype –all –lbtype –all –hltype –all \ 
–c "ACL for chmaster" type_chmaster_ACL

When user tony tries to run the chmaster command on a restricted object, the command fails. For example:

cleartool chmaster –c "give mastership to london" london@/vobs/dev \
cleartool: Warning: Trigger "elem_chmaster_ACL" has refused to let
chmaster proceed.
cleartool: Error: Unable to perform operation "change master" in 
replica "lex" of VOB "/vobs/dev".