
Lists VOB replicas


Product Command type
ClearCase® cleartool subcommand
MultiSite multitool subcommand


[ –l/ong | –s/hort | –fmt format ] [ –sib/lings | [ –sib/lings ] –invob vob-selector | [ –inr/eplicas { –all | replica-name [ ,... ] }] replica-selector ... ]


This command lists information about all VOB-replica objects recorded in the VOB database of the current replica (except for deleted replicas). Other replicas may exist, but the packets that contain their creation information have not yet been imported at the current replica.



Options and arguments

Listing format

Includes creation event information for each replica.
Lists each replica's creation information, master replica, mastership request setting, ownership information, and host. If the current replica is in the process of restoration, this option annotates the listings of other replicas from which restoration updates are required. (See the restorereplica reference page.)
Lists only replica names.
–fmt format
Lists information using the specified format string. For details about using this report-writing facility, see the fmt_ccase reference page in the DevOps Code ClearCase Command Reference.
Lists the family members of the current replica, but does not list the current replica itself. Use this option in scripts that process only sibling replicas.

Specifying the VOB family

Lists family members of the replica containing the current working directory.
–invob vob-selector
Lists the replicas in the specified family. Specify vob-selector in the form [vob:]pname-in-vob
Pathname of the VOB tag (whether or not the VOB is mounted) or of any file system object within the VOB (if the VOB is mounted)

Specifying the replica

Lists all known replicas in the family.
–inr/eplicas { –all | replica-name[,...] }
With –all, lists information about VOB-replica objects recorded in the VOB database of all replicas known to the current replica. Otherwise, lists information about VOB-replica objects recorded in the VOB database of the specified replicas. The list of replicas must be comma-separated, with no spaces.
replica-selector ...
Restricts the listing to one or more replicas. Specify replica-selector in the form [replica:]replica-name[@vob-selector]
Name of the replica
VOB family of the replica; can be omitted if the current working directory is within the VOB.

Specify vob-selector in the form [vob:]pname-in-vob

Pathname of the VOB tag (whether or not the VOB is mounted) or of any file system object within the VOB (if the VOB is mounted)


In these examples, the lines are broken for readability. You must enter each command on a single physical line.

  • List the names of all replicas of the VOB containing the current working directory.

    multitool lsreplica –short


  • List the names of all siblings of the VOB containing the current working directory.

    multitool lsreplica –short –siblings


  • Display a long listing of the current VOB's replicas.

    multitool lsreplica –long

    replica "bangalore"
    15-Aug-00.15:48:39 by Susan Goechs (susan.user@minuteman)
      replica type: unfiltered
      master replica: boston_hub@/vobs/dev
      request for mastership:enabled
      owner: susan
      group: user
      host: "ramohalli"
    replica "boston_hub"
    19-May-99.15:47:13 by Susan Goechs (susan.user@minuteman)
      replica type: unfiltered
      master replica: boston_hub@/vobs/dev
      request for mastership:enabled
      owner: susan
      group: user
      host: "minuteman"
    replica "buenosaires"
    15-Aug-00.15:48:44 by Susan Goechs (susan.user@minuteman)
      replica type: unfiltered
      master replica: boston_hub@/vobs/dev
      request for mastership:enabled
      owner: susan
      group: user
      host: "mardelplata"
    replica "sanfran_hub"
    19-May-99.15:49:46 by Susan Goechs (susan.user@minuteman)
      replica type: unfiltered
      master replica: sanfran_hub@/vobs/dev
      request for mastership:enabled
      owner: susan
      group: user
      host: "goldengate"

  • List all replicas of the VOB whose VOB tag is \doc.

    multitool lsreplica –invob \doc

    For VOB replica "\doc":
    11-Mar.13:42     jcole          replica "boston_hub"
    11-Mar.13:45     jcole          replica "sanfran_hub"
    11-Mar.13:48     jcole          replica "tokyo"

  • List the name, master replica, and replica host of all replicas in the family /vobs/doc.

    cmd-contextlsreplica –fmt
    "Name: %n\n\tMaster replica: %[master]p\n\tReplica
    host: %[replica_host]p\n" -invob /vobs/doc

    Name: boston_hub
       Master replica: boston@/vobs/doc
       Replica host: minuteman
    Name: sanfran_hub
       Master replica: sanfran_hub@/vobs/doc
       Replica host: goldengate
    Name: tokyo
       Master replica: sanfran_hub@/vobs/doc
       Replica host: shinjuku