Mastership commands for VOB objects

You can use the command-line interface to manage mastership of VOB objects. On Windows®, many of the ClearCase® and MultiSite interfaces (for example, Check Out, the Properties Browser, Request for Mastership, and so on) contain extended functionality that also supports managing mastership.

You can use these commands to manage mastership of VOB objects:
  • checkout –srfm (cleartool only)
  • chmaster (cleartool and multitool)
  • describe (cleartool and multitool)
  • lsmaster (cleartool and multitool)
  • mkelem –master (cleartool only)
  • mkdir –master (cleartool only)
  • reqmaster (cleartool and multitool)

For more information about these commands, see their reference pages in the DevOps Code ClearCase Command Reference.

You can use the describe and chmaster commands to display and change mastership. On Windows, you can also use the Properties Browser to perform these functions.

You can use the reqmaster command to request mastership of branches and branch types and to set controls for mastership requests. On Windows, you can also use the Request Mastership graphical interface and the Properties Browser to request mastership and set controls. These interfaces are described in Implementing requests for mastership.