Using the DevOps Code ClearCase scheduler

DevOps Code ClearCase® installation adds preconfigured jobs to the scheduler.

Daily MultiSite Export, Daily MultiSite Shipping Poll, and Daily MultiSite Receive are jobs that can be used for any replica. These jobs use the predefined DevOps Code ClearCase MultiSite tasks: MultiSite Sync Export and MultiSite Sync Receive.

These jobs are disabled; to enable them, use the schedule –edit –schedule command or the graphical interface (Windows®) and set the run times and other parameters appropriately:
  • (Using cleartool schedule) Delete the line Job.Schedule.LastDate: StartDate and set the value of Job.NotifyInfo.Recipients to the appropriate user names.
  • (Using the scheduler graphical interface) On the Schedule tab, set the Run parameters to the appropriate values. On the Settings tab, in the Notifications section, change the value of Recipients to the appropriate user names.
Note: If you decide to use receipt handlers (see Import phase), you do not need to enable the Daily MultiSite Receive job. However, it is good practice to run this job periodically to pick up packets that originally failed to import.

For information about creating new tasks and jobs and the prerequisites for using the scheduler, see the schedule reference page in the DevOps Code ClearCase Command Reference and the scheduler information in DevOps Code ClearCase Administrator's Guide.