Supporting serial development in VOB replicas

The standard DevOps Code ClearCase® development model is to use branches to develop software in parallel, and the standard DevOps Code ClearCase MultiSite model is to master different branch types at different replicas so that development can proceed concurrently at different replicas. These models require you to merge changes from branch to branch. However, sometimes sites must use serial development (for example, to make changes to elements whose versions cannot be merged).

To support serial development, there are two models for changing mastership:
  • Push Model

    The developer who needs to work on a branch asks the administrator of the master replica to transfer mastership of the branch and send an update packet containing the change.

  • Pull Model

    The developer who needs to work on a branch requests mastership of the branch. This model is not enabled by default, and it requires the MultiSite administrator to enable requests and authorize developers to request mastership. However, after the setup is complete, the administrator does not need to be involved in the mastership request process.

    Note: The developer can also request mastership of branch types. For more information, see Implementing requests for mastership.

    There are two ways to use requests for mastership:

    • If you cannot merge versions of the element, you must request mastership, and after your current replica receives mastership, you can perform a reserved checkout and do your work.
    • If you can merge versions of the element, you can perform a nonmastered checkout of the element and do your work. At any time, request mastership. When your current replica receives mastership, merge your work (if required) and check in the element.

For more information about enabling requests for branch mastership, see Implementing requests for mastership.

For more information about the use models for requesting mastership, see "About working on a team" in the Developing Software using Base ClearCase part of the Developing Software help component.